Chapter 19 'Afterwards and Onwards'

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Chapter 19   ‘Afterwards and Onwards’

The part of the party hated and dreaded by all is cleaning which has to be done when the party has finished. This part is so much feared that it reduces the fun of the party from 100% to at least 90% and in some cases even less.

Yes, you have guessed it! It was now cleaning time.

All the guests had left after saying their goodbyes and it was time for the family members to clean up the whole mess before going to bed. Everyone was very tired with aching feet because of all the dancing but still work had to be done.

All the gifts had been levitated up to the addressee’s room. Mostly everyone had gotten presents because it was not only a birthday and engagement party; it was also a Christmas party.

Evanna was gathering up forks from all over the tent as she couldn’t use her wand and even if she could, summoning forks is not that safe. Just as she reached the last place of the tent from where she still had to find forks; there came some yelling from outside the tent.

She looked around the tent to find everyone else also looking at the tent’s entrance making it clear that her ears weren’t ringing.

“What’s all this yelling?” Ron asked as he threw all the spoons into a box.

“Maybe mum and dad are fighting!” George guessed as he placed one chair over the other making a tower.

“I don’t think so. The voices are of men,” Hermione stated coming towards them.

“Why are we standing here and doing nothing?” Harry asked and ran out of the tent followed by all others.

Evanna came out to find Mrs. Weasley coming out of the house with soap covering her hands which were tightly holding a wand.

Evanna looked around in every direction mostly to find darkness or bushes. The yelling had eased and silence had fallen all around like a thick veil.

No one was moving, the only sound was of their fast breathing. The only light was of the moon and a bit coming out of the tent’s entrance. None got the idea of using their wands for light.

They walked towards different directions silently to find the source of the noise they had heard before.

People missing were Mr. Weasley, Charlie and Bill who were working outside the tent and getting ready to lift it up.

Suddenly, there came a sound of footsteps, someone was hastily running towards them.

“Lumos,” Fred, George, Fleur and Mrs. Weasley said as they heard approaching steps.

In the light of their wands, Evanna saw her father running towards her with hair blown and wand at the ready.

“Arthur, what was all the yelling? Where are Bill and Charlie?” Mrs. Weasley started.

“Evanna, someone is here to meet you,” Mr. Weasley started hurriedly as he grabbed Evanna by the arm, “take Fred’s wand and follow me,” he grabbed Fred’s wand and shoved it into Evanna’s hand.

Mr. Weasley was completely looking like a man who was deeply nervous but hiding it from his family to make them feel secure. He started leading the way and pulling a thoroughly confused Evanna along by her arm. Everyone else also started following them.

“You all are not coming!” he said as he realized them following.

“By your expressions we can see that something is not right. We will come and you can’t stop us,” Mrs. Weasley said to her husband in an ordering way.

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