Chapter 25 'Dreams Show The Way'

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Chapter 25 ‘Dreams Show The Way’

Evanna looked up towards the swarm of owls which were bringing in mail. To Evanna’s great disappointment there was no Snowbell. She turned towards the teacher’s table and found that nor was there her mentor.  

It had been at least three days till she had sent her letter. Every morning Evanna would look up at the enchanted roof at mail time but there was never any Snowbell. She wondered when he would return to Hogwarts and when will she get her answer to ‘what-to-do’.  Evanna also doubted that maybe Snowbell had delivered the letter to someone else instead of her mentor. She thanked God that she hadn’t written anyone’s name in the letter as letters were being checked by the Ministry of Magic before reaching their destinations.

Days kept passing by with Evanna’s hope dying every day  and to top it off she had realized that the time will come soon when she will have to carry out the plan she had been planning for a week but thinking of it made her feel a weird mixture of guilt and excitement.


“I’m going to crack soon,” Harry went on, “I have tried of thinking of all the rooms Malfoy could be thinking off but the Room of Requirement never gets me to the room where I want to end up.”

“May be you should let it go…” Hermione said from behind her Herbology book.

“Let it go!? And let Malfoy do whatever evil he’s doing! I don’t think so,” Harry stated.

“Mate we’re not even sure even he’s doing something or not,” Ron intervened, throwing the parchment away in his bag on which he was doing his homework of Defence Against The Dark Arts.

Evanna was doing her best to act that she wasn’t listening but all her attention was towards their talk and not a bit towards her memorizing her Herbology test. 

“He’s up to something, something bad for sure……

The whole evening went by in this talk and soon Evanna tuned them out and without realizing was drifted to a bottomless disturbing sleep.

It is dark, pitch dark…

A spot of light at the far end of the long corridor…

“I must hide”… I’m running away from the spot of light which is becoming bigger and bigger. I stand behind an armour.

The light is coming nearer and nearer like finding me, like it was expecting me… it is death, it is death of us all. All three of us…

If I fail, he will kill us… he will keep us till the point we beg for death and we won’t get it.

If this light finds me, it will be a vulnerable future finding us all.

My heart is beating faster, faster, faster… the light is near, and it is now in front; right in front of me.

I can’t breathe, my heart’s stopped, my knees are knocking together, my mouth has dried up, my hands are sweating... It is going to be the beginning of the end…

The light has turned left, there’s a figure holding it, a stoop figure, a familiar figure. A figure I hate from the depths of my heart… this won’t be this hard if he would have died… I’ll keep in mind to kill him as well….

It’s turned; light has turned, turned away from me. My heart is beating again, beating normally, beating in a better way, beating the way it beats. My legs are better now, more stable... more firm.

The spot of light is getting smaller… more small and has finally disappeared.

It’s dark, pitch dark all over again…

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