Chapter 1 'The Adoption'

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Chapter 1 ‘The Adoption’

Evanna’s insides were fuming with anger. She was frustrated and her patience had started to give up.

How dare Draco didn’t reply to any of my letters?!” this was the thought which kept on roaming around her mind.

Still, she kept her feelings hidden inside herself instead of expressing them. The huge gingery reason behind the ‘hiding-the-feelings-in’ was sitting right in front of her.

It was Ron who was intensely busy in eating one chocolate frog after the other and throwing the cards to his side.

She didn’t want to tell Ron, even thought he was her brother and one of her best friends because she knew his answer would surely contain a lot of insults for Draco. Evanna wasn’t really in the mood of hearing those insults at the present time.

Suddenly, she heard some clattering of cutlery which made her jump and look towards the kitchen. Evanna realized that Hermione had already started preparing dinner for all three of them.

She started walking towards the kitchen while running her fingers through her long thick and black hair. Her hair resembled her ex-aunt; Bellatrix’s hair but they weren’t as much curly and messy as hers. Evanna didn’t even like the thought that anything of hers resembles Bellatrix’s. Her hair had beautiful bouncy curls at the end instead of ‘all-curly’ which made her hair look a hundred times better than her ex-aunt’s.

Evanna entered the kitchen to find a nervous looking Hermione taking out a too much roasted lamb leg from the oven and an odd smell entered her nostrils.

Both of them looked down at it awkwardly. Evanna felt that if she mentioned the already obvious thing to Hermione, it would only make Hermione feel worse, so instead of saying; “What happened to this?” she just started to talk about something else;

“I’m sorry about not helping you with dinner. I was too busy in my own world that I didn’t realize that you had already started preparing it. You should have told me!”

“Its fine, Ev,” Hermione started while putting the lamb leg on the kitchen shelf and removing the flowery oven gloves she was wearing. She turned to face Evanna and continued, “It’s not that I had to make it all. Mrs. Weasley had already done everything, I just had to…. bake it,” she said the last words sheepishly.

“I can’t believe mum went with dad and left us without preparing the whole dinner, leaving us to make all the dinner in a muggle way,” Evanna said with an irritated look on her face.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley had gone for dinner to their old friend; Mr. Blue Biskey’s house. The burrow had only three people in it at the present time; Ron, Hermione and Evanna. Everyone else were at their own work; Charlie at Romania, Bill at Gringotts, Fred and George at their own shop at Diagon Alley where they used to even spend the nights and Percy had left last year and hadn’t returned yet. Harry, on the other hand, would be coming the next day to spend the rest of his vacations at the Burrow.

Evanna had started setting the cutlery on the dining table while Hermione started to set the cooked food. When everything was set; they called Ron and all three of them started their dinner.

Even though the lamb leg had burnt a little on the outside but it was wonderfully tasty if you just removed the upper crust. But Evanna didn’t remove it because she didn’t like making obvious for Hermione who was one of her best friends, to think that she had nearly burnt the whole thing and instead she ate it as a whole.

It didn’t taste too bad and Evanna who was so hungry with an angry grumbling stomach didn’t really cared about how the food tasted.

“It’s yummy, Hermione,” Ron said while stuffing his face with the un-burnt pieces of the lamb leg.

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