Chapter 22 'Awareness '

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Chapter 22 ‘Awareness ’ 

“I can do this! Yes I can!” Evanna was standing in front of a sink in the girl’s bathroom

It was the bathroom where rarely anyone came except Myrtle, of course who lived there.

Evanna was encouraging herself that she could go to the library and no one would be looking at her nor judging her on her way there.

She had become paranoid. Whenever she passed through the corridors she thought everyone was looking at her and talking about her and if anyone smiled or laughed, she would always think that they were laughing at her.

Of course they weren’t. They didn’t even know about her ‘evil action’. All the guests were gone when that took place.

But, she still felt that way.

“Talking to ourselves are we, again?” a ghost of a girl had risen out of the toilet in a cubicle behind her and was now floating in midair, staring at her through thick, white, round glasses.

“Myrtle! What are you doing here?” Evanna asked, looking at her in the mirror.

“And who are you to ask me that?” asked Myrtle, picking moodily at a spot on her chin, “I should be the one asking you what you are doing here?”

“It’s the girl’s bathroom. What will you be expecting me to do here?” Evanna asked, annoyed with Myrtle already.

They never went good together and always ended up in a fight because of their personality clashes.

 “If I would be you; I wouldn’t get into a fight just yet when I’m about to tell you a little secret…”  Myrtle said, floating towards Evanna.

“I’m not interested, Myrtle in your bathroom secrets. I’m getting late for class,” Evanna lied. She still had fifteen minutes till McGonagall’s class would start and she had planned to meet Hermione first to get some tips on advanced Transfiguration.

 Evanna turned to leave when Myrtle zoomed in front of her, now angry, “I would not be talking to you if this wouldn’t be about him.”

 “Him? Who’s him?” Evanna asked, interested.

 “Your brother, of course,” she said, “but if you’re not interested then I’ll just go back to him and console him,” she shrugged and started floating towards a cubicle slowly.

 “Which brother?” Evanna was now interested and scared.

Interested because she was being trusted even if it was just Myrtle and scared because Myrtle mentioned the word; ‘console’   meaning Ron or Draco were hurt or sad.

“Draco,” she said with admiration, coming closer to Evanna.

“Draco? What’s wrong? What’s the secret, Myrtle?”  Evanna asked, her insides jumping from excitement.

“But if you don’t want to know, its fine,” Myrtle turned her back from Evanna.

 Evanna then realized that she had shown too much excitement to lift up Myrtle’s spirits who would now not tell till not begged.

“Myrtle, p-pl-please,” Evanna said with great effort, half pleading, “tell me!”

 And that worked for Myrtle’s satisfaction.

 “I thought he liked me,” she said plaintively, “Maybe if I go back, he’d come back again. We had lots in common. I’m sure he felt it.”

 “Myrtle, I’m asking about Draco,” Evanna said, who couldn’t believe this piece of information and was getting bored.

“I am telling you about him,” said Myrtle defiantly, her voice echoing loudly around the old tiled bathroom.

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