Chapter 13 'A dinner'

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Chapter 13  ‘A dinner’

At her way to the second potion's class; Evanna crashed into someone and dropped all her things which she was carrying.

“Are you blind!?” she heard his same harsh voice.

“Excuse. Me!” Evanna said sternly to him, putting force on both words and looked up at him with a warning expression.

“Oh! It’s you.”

Draco helped her pick up her things and also picked his own.

“I want to ask…” before she could even finish her sentence, he started;

“Look! I can’t tell you, ok? And I was busy that’s why I couldn’t reply to your stupid letters and I am still very busy and my mind is occupied in a lot of things that I have to do and complete. Which are very important to me than anything else, more than you. So please, stop it. OKAY?” he said it all without even stopping to breathe and Evanna listened to him without interrupting with an open mouth.

“You’re busy! Doing what?”  She asked stubbornly, coming back from shock.

“You are not going to stop, are you? I am busy in …..i- in different things.”, he replied hesitating a bit.

“Like what things?” she asked narrowing her eyes.

She started to feel like a girl without any self respect because she was still talking to him even though he insulted her and the letters she wrote to him with so much love. Still she kept on because she thought about Harry’s desperateness to know what Draco was up to.

“Like …. Like study and homework and ….. and... and none of your business. I have to go. Get away!”

 That’s all he said and walked away, fully irritated and annoyed,’

Evanna finished with her explanation about why she had thought that Harry was right.

“You’re so stubborn,” Ron breathed, dazed.

“Ronald.....” Hermione started.

“I do what’s right... and sometimes the right path can be hard to follow,” Evanna said with a voice which sounded so wise that it even surprised Evanna herself.

 “That is a proof!” Harry started, “And thank you,” he said to Evanna who smiled back.

“That is no proof. It’s just an encounter and we’re just trying to take out things out of it,” Hermione stated.

Harry gave a deep exhausted sign and soon they all made their way out of the portrait hole and to the Great Hall for lunch.


It was seven in the morning and everyone was having breakfast in the Great Hall.

“Can you pass me that plate of cheese omelette?” came Ron’s voice.

“This is the fifth time you’re asking for something!” Harry said, aggravated.

“This is the last one Ronald!” Hermione said as she passed him the plate.

“If you don’t remember we’re only waiting for you to finish up so we can go to the library to finish our assignment before our first class which is of Snape,” Evanna remarked. 

“Will you guys stop looking at my appetite and...” but before Ron could finish his sentence; Slughorn’s voice came from behind them;

“Ahem ahem,” he cleared his throat in a very dramatic manner.

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