Chapter 18 'The Party'

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Chapter 18                                   ‘The Party’  

Down came a beautiful girl wearing a black textured silk fitted pencil dress with a cream coloured jacket and beautiful diamond necklace. Her hands sliding gracefully over the railing of the stairs and her step full of grace still a little nervousness on her face. A small amount of makeup on her face just to enhance her already beautiful features.

At the last steps of the stairs; she slumped down and her smile turned into a grimace.

“You guys ruined my movie scene?!” Evanna said as she slumped her whole way to her family members; each one of them busy in one work or the other.

“What movie scene?” Charlie exclaimed.

“Yes, I saw a movie at Hermione’s and the girl walks down gracefully and everyone looks at her with admiring eyes. I did the same and what I found was every one busy in their own work!”

“Oh, my bad!” Charlie replied casually and turned to leave towards the tent.

Evanna gave out a frustrated sign but soon let it go. But her mentioning the scene did well with Fleur because when she started coming down; everyone looked up at her and Bill went to her side.

Soon, guests started to arrive. First came Luna and her father, they came quite early than the time given because they wanted to collect creatures known as ‘Blibbering Humdingers’ because they thought that ‘Blibbering Humdingers’ are always there where a party is going to be held.   A huge white tent was set up in between the vast ground in front of the Burrow. Inside the tent there were round tables surrounded by chairs in front of a small stage where three large cakes were placed; one for Evanna, one for Fleur and Bill and one for celebrating Christmas. A long table of drinks and food was set at the left side from the tables and a nice smooth dance floor was made on the right of it.  Small lights were hanging from the roof of the tent which gave a nice comfortable but still formal look to the atmosphere.   Guests were arriving and all children were standing at the entrance of the tent to greet them and place all the gifts brought by the guests at the proper place which was a table placed near the small stage. Soon all the guests had made themselves comfortable with the environment.   Evanna was enjoying to her fullest, it had been quite a long time till she had been a part of a big party and also being the centre of attention of it which was greatly loved by her ‘Malfoy conscious’.

First there was the cake cutting followed by eating to the full. There were pies, roasts, noodles and a lot more. To Evanna’s great pleasure, there were also potatoes and dishes involving chocolate and fruits.

Soon a lot of people were at the dance floor. It was first entered by Bill and Fleur who were soon followed by Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and then everyone else.

The songs were slow so the dance going on was couple dance. Evanna had her first dance with Seamus. She knew how to dance because of all the formal parties the Malfoys used to have but Seamus now and then used to step on her foot making her moan but still smile as courtesy.

To Evanna’s immense joy the first song finished and Seamus reluctantly moved away leaving Evanna to dance with Neville which was quite pleasant as Neville also knew how to dance and mind you, dance well.

Just as the song finished; Evanna fled to the chairs and away from the dances. She had gotten tired of all the slow dancing and was in a no mood to dance with Seamus who was again walking towards her place at the end of the third song.

Evanna gave an exhausted sign as she dropped on a chair far away from the dance floor which was over flowing with people dancing.

“Boo!” Evanna jumped at the sudden sound and turned to find Harry smiling at her.

“Harry! You scared me! Where were you all this time?”

“Nowhere special… just stuck with dancing,” he replied as he came forward and sat next to Evanna.

“Me as well…”

“Look at them,” Harry pointed towards a couple dancing in between ten more.

“Aww, I can’t believe I didn’t notice. Finally Hermione and Ron, together!”

“At last!”

They both sat there for a while looking at Hermione and Ron, dancing together to a slow romantic song till Harry suddenly came in front of Evanna;

“May I have the next dance?” he said, presenting his hand to her.

“Uh… yes,” Evanna said as she took her hand and both of them walked to the dance floor. Evanna was in shock as she had not expected this at all but still she was more than happy.

The next song was a rock song on which everyone jumped and moved their heads like wild cats and dogs. But it got soon tiring and both of them slipped out of it.

“We’ll return when it gets more civil,” Harry said as he grabbed Evanna’s wrist and they slipped out of the jumping crowd.

They again sat down on the some chairs in silence.

 “Say something,” Evanna said at last.


“Well, I’ll start. Why didn’t you let me tell everyone that this locket is given by you?” Evanna inquired as she pointed to the locket Harry had given her and she was wearing.

“I… I don’t know,” to this answer Evanna raised an eyebrow which made Harry to continue, “I… I guess I was feeling… shy.”

“Harry Potter! The boy who lived! The Chosen One! Was feeling shy!” Evanna teased.

Harry turned a light shade of pink.

“But I must say; it’s beautiful Harry. Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome. You’re always welcome,” he said as he looked in her eyes.

The next slow song started just as they positioned and they both started dancing gracefully.

Even though, Harry did not know how to dance well but still he managed not to step on her already hurting feet. Despite the pain her feet were in and the extra heat the dark mark was giving off under her jacket, Evanna couldn’t stop herself from smiling or dancing with Harry.

The room felt empty to both of them. To them the only presence important was of each other flowing with the music. Evanna blushed with every turn they made and smiled at Hermione who was also red as she and Ron passed them. There was not much talking, just smiling.

And they danced under a mistletoe without even knowing…without giving each other a chance, thinking that there will be a lot more time for love but not knowing that their prediction will be proved wrong…


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‘Well it’s all perfect and sweet ... Will it stay that way?’


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