Chapter 15 'Decorating the trees'

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Chapter 15    ‘Decorating the trees’

“Why is the house not decorated yet mum?” Evanna asked as she threw her bag on the couch and sat down beside it.

Morning had changed into evening as they reached the Burrow from Hogwarts for a five days Christmas holidays.

Hermione had bid them goodbye at the station as she left with her parents to spend her Christmas with them. While Evanna, Ron and Harry, all three had come to the Burrow for Christmas holidays. They had again ridden the same luxurious car with a lot of security measures till the door steps of the Burrow with checking and password sayings.

All the checking and the journey had made them feel exhausted. All they wanted was to reach the Burrow and find it beautifully decorated in Christmas decorations so their Christmas spirits would be lifted up high again.

But their every expectation was crushed as they reached the Burrow and found it the same way they had left it; there were no decorations done.

“Well, I thought that if; maybe you guys will decorate it, you’ll have more fun and to be honest, I did wanted you guys to decorate the house in the way you want,” Mrs. Weasley finished with her explanation and shuffled her feat a little but she was soon back to her bossy loving self again.

 “But mum, you are aware of the fact that we won’t be able to use our wands, right?” Ron stated with sanctified expression.

“Oh yes! Of course I am aware of that. But that will make it even more fun,” Mrs. Weasley said excitedly as Ron gave a deep sign, Harry just looked around himself; pretending he wasn’t there and Evanna looked at her mother with an innocent expression on her face.

But nothing made Mrs. Weasley stop with her plans and she continued; “The decorations are present in those boxes,” she pointed towards the big number of boxes present in the left corner of the lounge.

Mrs. Weasley at last took in account their expressions and said with a smile, “Don’t worry. You can start tomorrow.... Well, look at the time; I think I should get started with putting the finishing touches on the dishes and you all go up to your rooms and get fresh.”

They all got up and started slumping towards the stairs;

“Mum, why is there no Fred, George, Bill, Charlie, Perrrrresent here,” Evanna was about to say Percy’s name but Ron at the nick of time, pinched her.

“Well, they all would be coming tomorrow.”

They started going up to their rooms where Evanna whispered to Ron, “Thank you.”

If she would have said Percy’s name; it was sure to make Mrs. Weasley burst into tears which wouldn’t have stopped any time sooner.


The curtains were drawn and the candles were blown out. Everywhere she looked; there was darkness.

Evanna was walking through long corridors in pitch black shadows. The only sound was of her shoes coming in contact with the wooden floor. Her heart was beating so furiously that it felt like it would jump out of her ribs at any second.

Without her thinking; her hand moved towards the pocket in her pants; she could feel a wooden stick there which she recognized as a wand. But it didn’t felt like hers, it was smooth with a hard handle. Hers was not smooth; it had uneven feeling like vines were going around the wand.

“Hurry up! You’re walking at the pace of a turtle. The Dark Lord does not like to wait,” came Bellatrix’s voice from behind her and the torches at the side of the corridors lit up by themselves.

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