Chapter 28 'It All Starts'

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Chapter 28 ‘It All Starts’

Evanna entered through the portrait hole and removed her invisibility cloak. She looked for the others and soon found them reclining on the couches, asleep.

Great!” she thought and tiptoed away from them towards the girl’s dormitory.

“Evanna, is that you?” came Hermione’s tired voice.

Oh damn!” she thought and turned back towards them. It was always impossible to escape them!

“Your back!” Harry had also wakened up.

“Ron! Ronald, wake up!” Hermione started shaking Ron who groaned in reply.

Evanna, defeated, dropped on an empty couch and kept looking down.

“Now, tell us everything! From the start to the end! What is Malfoy up to…” Harry started.

“Look,” Evanna intervened, looking outside the window but not in their eyes, “I should have told you before not to get your hopes too high…”

“What do you mean?” Harry’s wide smile had dropped, Ron, who had managed to wake up, dropped back on his couch and Hermione kept looking at Evanna with great concentration.

“I mean; I waited for him to show up outside the Room of Requirement all night long but he didn’t come and your Marauder’s map was also a great help, Harry. I kept on checking where he was and he was always in the Slytherin dungeons,” she finished, still looking outside the window.

“Oh! Well, then…” Harry started, “Maybe he has days fixed when he would be working on whatever he’s working on. I think you should go every night…”

“Harry!” Hermione gave him a shut up call, which in Evanna’s opinion was very caring of her.

“I think we should just let it go,” Ron proposed.

“Yes, most certainly, I also think that’s what we should be doing,” Evanna supported enthusiastically.

“You mean we should do nothing?!” Harry inquired, exasperated.

“You know what; I don’t know anything. All I know is that I want to go to sleep.”

“By the way, what happened to your eyes?” Harry asked.

“I… Ah! Right…good question…”

“Isn’t it obvious, Harry. She hasn’t slept for a second that’s why her eyes are red and puffy,” Hermione stated.

“Yes, of course,” Evanna said and got up, “Ok then… good night all of you. And oh, there you go, Harry,” she said and handed him his cloak and map and went to her dorm, mind you, she kind of ran to her dorm.

 Just as she jumped in her bed, her conscious started;

How could you?

Well, I could and I did.

Why, may I ask?

Because… because… well, because it was the right thing to do!


Who knew what they would have done to him if I had told them the truth… I’ll protect my brother. He’s not bad; I know it and he won’t do it! I’ll make sure he doesn’t do it… he won’t kill…. He has always protected me and now it’s my turn…

A life full of deceptions lies ahead of you!

 “I know…and I’m ready!”

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