Chapter 3 'The Secret Reveals'

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Chapter 3 'The Secret Reveals'

It was a dark night with the clouds hiding the moon behind them.

Evanna reclined there on her bed with a fast asleep Hermione and Crookshanks on the bed on her right side.

Mostly every night, Crookshanks would sleep with Evanna when ever Hermione would come to the Burrow and even sometimes at Hogwarts. But on that night and on all the other nights to come; Crookshanks started keeping a nice distance from Evanna. He was taken aback when she screamed that night when the mark had appeared.

Evanna wasn't trying to go to sleep and nor was sleep coming on its own. Her muscles were still stiff and her head was still bursting with soreness. Evanna couldn't stop changing sides in her bed after every minute even though her slightest movement made pain shout through her whole body and she would wince whenever that would happen.

She gave an exhausted sign while she turned to her left. Evanna was getting fed up because she had been lying there for more then what seemed like two hours or maybe more.

Her heart was still aggressively beating against her chest and was making it hard for her to breathe properly and for air to enter her lungs. Her hands and forehead were sweating and her head was still buzzing with questions.

It was getting harder and harder for her to breathe and to top it off; her left arm kept on burning. Evanna was feeling frustrated and it felt like the room was getting smaller and smaller. She felt like the walls were closing in, coming nearer and nearer.

Evanna suddenly got up and sat upright on her bed with her legs hanging down and her feet touching the cold wooden floor of her room. She was panting... she wanted to breathe some fresh air... she wanted air to enter properly in her lungs and her heart beat to become normal again.

She suddenly got up and ran down the stairs and out of the front door, leaving it open behind her. She went straight to the grounds; her feet bare and wind blew through her tangled hair.

She took deep breaths to calm herself and her breathing. Surprisingly, it worked! She experienced her breathing become steady with every deep breath she took.

Evanna fell to her knees on the cold muddy ground and was half hidden in the long grown brown-coloured grass. She hid her face in her trembling hands.

"Malfoy's don't cry," her 'Malfoy' conscious told her.

"Crying doesn't mean you're weak. Sometimes crying means you have been strong for a very long time," her other conscious told her, "And you are a human, Evanna."These words increased her urge to cry but not even a single tear came in her eyes despite her tries.

It is so depressing and still so stupid that when you don't want to cry; tears come so easily and when you're in a desperate need of crying and to calm yourself; not even a single tear shows itself.

Out of nowhere; someone gently placed their hand on her shoulder which made her jump and look up to see someone she totally did not expect, standing there with a comforting smile spread on his face.

She looked at Harry for a second with a surprised but still blank expression on her face and again turned her head to look towards the vast ground spread in front of them. Her eyes were vacant with no expressions. Harry sat down on her side while taking away his hand from her shoulder. Now, he was also half hidden inside the long grass. He also looked in the same direction she was looking and both sat in silence with the only noise of the wind.

"Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction," someone said in her head which she recognized to be her conscious.

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