Ending Note

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To my Lovely readers!

HayoO! It’s me!!

I wanted to say THANK YOU SHOOO MUCH!!!  Though I know thank you isn’t enough so if you guys ever want anything that I can help you with then I’m right here!! All you have to do is tell n’ I’ll do my best!

You guys have stuck with ‘Connected’ till the very end and that means more than the world to me!!!

Your feedback meant A LOT to me and will always!!

If you liked this book then do let your friends know about it as well!! Spread the Word my loves!! <3

I’m horrible when it comes to expressing my feelings so I hope u guys get the point! X| do you? O.o

I hope, wish and pray that you all get never-ending happiness in your lives!! <3

Well, a few names I want to mention here are of those readers which have been great motivators and if I miss out any name then PLEASE forgive me … I didn’t mean to O:)

Loads of love n’ support to:

1. arty_writes

2. aceofspace

3. Treewhisperer

4. read_to_live

5. iamGODofFood

6. francatlm

7. and you! =D


I want to say a few words to my first regular reader; arty_writes

Okay! So I really don’t know where to start!

Hmmm… first thing's first, Thank you shooo much for sticking with Connected for all this time. It means the world!

Even when I kept the story on hold for such a long time but when I started uploading again, you were there to read, vote and give your valuable comments! You don’t know how much it meant to me!

You kept me motivated to write on. When I felt like giving up; I thought of you that at least I have one amazing regular reader! And it would always stop me from giving up! Thank you so much! <3

I always used to wait for your feedback and you were always there to give it and you were always the first one too and sometimes even the only one!

I hope, wish and pray that you get all the happiness in your life!


Thank you isn’t enough but I’ll say it again that THANK YOU SO MUCH!

You guys mean everything to me! <3 <3 <3


Sparks xoxo

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