Chapter 16 'A very warm Christmas'

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Chapter 16 ‘A very warm Christmas’

“Wake up, it’s Christmas!!!” Evanna shoved Fleur who was fast asleep in Hermione’s bed.

Fleur delicately sat up on her bed, gracefully stretched her arms and then yawned in a too sophisticated manner. 

Narcissa would have been more than happy to have such a sophisticated and delicate daughter like her,” Evanna thought to herself.

“ ‘Erry Christmas, ‘Vanna,” Fleur said as she walked towards the bathroom.

“To you too!”

Evanna had already woken up an hour ago and was already dressed so she ran down the beautifully decorated stairs and into the lounge where everyone had already started opening their gifts and sitting under the tree that they all had decorated together. Bill had also come at night after his shift at Gringotts.

Evanna wasn’t expecting any gifts because she never got them in the morning. Her birthday was on the very next day; 26th December, so she got her presents near midnight. It was aWeasley tradition to give the birthday gift and the Christmas gift together. They thought that even if you give one gift at least it should be remember able and something really splendid. 

So, everyone also get their birthday gifts on Christmas as well.

Evanna had bought everyone their gifts in the summer vacations. This year she had also bought some muggle stuff when she had gone to spend two weeks with Hermione. For the first time in her fifteen year old life she saw how muggles lived and what jobs they did and so much more. It was a wonderful experience which Evanna would never forgot.

Evanna had gotten Mrs. Weasley a nice apron which would disappear all the stains formed on it by its own self.  Mrs. Weasley was more than happy to get it as her apron had burned a few days ago and she was also sick of cleaning it.

Evanna had bought for Mr. Weasley, from the muggle world, a big pack full of yellow squeaky rubber ducks which he was having a lot of fun with and he finally got his answer of ‘what exactly is the function of a rubber duck’.

Keeping in view, Bill and Fleur’s surprising engagement; Evanna got Bill a wooden frame with the whole family’s picture with Fleur and for Fleur; she bought a heart necklace with her and Bill’s pictures inside. Both of them were really touched by her gift.

Charlie was given by Evanna a strong wrist band which when senses heat would form a high temperature resistant bubble around him. “At least, now I don’t have to worry about burns by dragon’s breath anymore,” Charlie had remarked.

Evanna had bought muggle CD players for Fred and George in their favourite colours; silver for Fred and black for George. Both of them started planning right away of how to turn these into a new item in their shops.  They loved the ideas that the CD player had inspired in them.

Evanna got Ron an Irish team poster which had been signed by all the Quidditch team members. This gift started a whole conversation which ended on a red scarlet Ron. It was about how Ron’s favourite team changed from Bulgarians to Irish after fourth year.

Evanna got Harry a small doll-sized pair of round glasses. When he touched the glasses to his temple; it grew to his size which fitted him perfectly and the thickness of the glass increased and decreased according to his eyesight. Harry loved the glasses as they could stay with him for his whole life if he managed not to break them, he would never have to buy a new one because the glasses would adjust automatically according to the change in his eyesight.

 Evanna had sent Snowbell to Hermione’s house early in the morning so she could carry Hermione’s gift to her. Evanna had got the original ancient version of Standard Book of Spells by Miranda Goshawk which had very delicate binding and yellowed pages for Hermione. She was sure that Hermione would love it because she had been trying to get her hands on it all year.

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