pizza for dinner? - 🪴💗 tori and charlie, PLATONIC OFC)

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! 100% PLATONIC !
request by @mati_A10
angst ending with fluff :)
tw: depression, narcolepsy, self-harm
enjoy! <3

It was always the same.
Wake up, go to school, back home, sleep.
Always the same process.
And it was mentally killing Tori.
Her mental health had been deteriorating over the past months. She naturally was not an upbeat, energetic, extroverted person, but recently she couldn't even get out of bed.
It took 3 prayers, 5 subliminals, and a visit to her 'Notes' app all to go and have a shower.
She couldn't stop sleeping, she was just so tired all the time. Her grades were logically being affected by all this.
Luckily, her little brother was always looking out for her.

Saturday, 22nd November, 2023
Tori's room
Charlie knocked on the door, a glass of water in hand. It had been an especially bad day for Tori today, but Charlie didn't know why, or how to help.
"Tori? Can I come in?" he said. He heard no response and after a few seconds knocked again.
"Are you feeling okay? I uh, got you some water. You need to hydrate yourself."
"...come in." he heard a voice say. Oh wow, that didn't sound like her sister. Her voice was raspy and weak.
He slowly opened the door to find his sister meddled in the blankets, completely silent. He left the glass of water on the bedside table and sat down on the bed.
"Tori, um, I'm.. really worried.. for you. Can I help.. somehow?" Charlie said quietly. His sister looked up at him.
"I'll get over it. I just need an approximate 6 more breakdowns, trust me. Anyways, thanks for the water. Bye." Tori replied, accidentally sounding harsher than desired. Charlie blinked and stood up.
"O...kay. But- I'll be in my room if you need me." he said, starting to walk to the door. At the last moment, his sister looked up again.
"Actually- Charlie? Can I, um, talk to you? Sounds dramatic but-"
"That's ok. What is it?" he said, sitting back down and looking at his sister worriedly.
"I'm not... feeling... okay. I can't get out of bed. I don't know why, but that's just what's happening." she said, a knot forming in her throat. It wasn't usual for her to show a lot of emotion.
"Oh. I'm sorry, um. I'm here for you. What can I do to help?" Charlie said frowning.
"I don't even know. I feel really bad. Like, all my friends are going out, on dates and with their friends, and I'm just here stuck to my bed. I feel weird." her voice was starting to get affected by that knot in her throat, and she felt like she was about to burst.
"Has.. anything happened? In particular?"
"..Okay, fine. Yeah. Kinda. Micheal, um.. sorta.. left me. Texted me at 7am. Aaand I failed my midterm."
Charlie's eyes widened as he processed the information.
"What- why did Micheal...?"
"He said I wasn't good enough for him. I don't know." Tori said, her voice quivering.
Charlie noticed this and opened his arms for a hug. Tori stared at him for a second and then embraced him. Then and there she broke, all her buried emotions spilling out.
"Am.. I.. not good enough? Was he right?" Tori cried. Charlie wasn't used to Tori showing this much emotion, and it actually really hurt.
"What? No, no, Tori! You're good enough. Actually, you're better than 'good enough'." Charlie said sadly, breaking the hug and noticing something weird on Tori's arms.
"Tori.. what happened?" he said, and pointed at her arms. She looked down and hid the sleeves.
"Uh- nothing."
"Tori! Come on, you think I, out of all people you know, wouldn't understand and empathize with.. that?"
Tori hesitantly pulled her sleeves up to reveal scratch marks on her arms. They weren't bleeding but there were bright red mark lines all over them. Charlie sighed knowingly and hugged her sister again.
"Tori, Tori- hey, it's okay. Don't worry."
"I don't know what's happening to me."
"We'll figure things out."
"You're a good brother. I... love you."
"I love you too, Tori. Pizza for dinner?" Charlie asked smiling. Tori smiled back and nodded weakly.

Charlie stood up, going out of the bedroom, but just before Tori was out of sight he heard her say.
"Thank you for being there."
"No need to thank me, you're my sister after all."

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