unconscious - 💗🌱

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Request by @SheWhoLovedHerBack :)
Before you go on to read the one-shot, I'd like to comment something quickly.
I might be going on a short hiatus soon because of exams. Also, my mental health is declining. I'd rather you guys wait for a while and then get better works, then get crappy ones now because of my current status. Hope this isn't too cringy! Love you all and please take care of yourselves in these times. Mwah <3
Anywho. Enough of me being emo 🤪
Basically the Paris scene where Charlie passes out, but like, even worse, and stuff (like the setting) have been changed for personal preference.

"So, what do you all want?" Nick asked as the friend group chose what they each wanted for lunch.
"I think we all need some good ol' ham and cheese sandwiches." Darcy said laughing. The group cheered, agreeing unanimously.
"Okay. Around two for each?"
"Just get the pack for families or whatever. I think it has like 20 sandwiches." Elle suggested. The group again agreed, and Nick chuckled and turned to the employee, ordering the food with a fluent and kind of elegant French accent.

Half an hour later, they all lay together on the grass of a park under the pleasant sunlight, chatting and laughing and munching on the sandwiches.

The feeling of hunger started to actually really disturb Charlie. He felt like he would fall into a hole and rot in it in any second.
And, he couldn't lie. He was jealous of his friends, all eating their meals happily and care-free. For them, the picnic was just another fun lunch in Paris. For him, though, it was a kind of a chore and frankly, a painful quest.
"Charlie?" Nick said quietly. "Do you want to go somewhere quieter to eat?" he asked worriedly, squeezing his hand. Charlie smiled weakly. "No, thanks. I-I'm okay." he stuttered looking down at his plate of food.
Two ham-and-cheese sandwiches lay on it, still steamy. Charlie couldn't deny it, they did look and smell delicious. But even though all his body was practically screaming at him to pick up a sandwich and bite into it, the voice at the back of his head stopped him from doing so, like for the last 3 days. He sighed and rubbed his eyes.
"I'm going to go for a short walk." He told Nick, who looked back at him concerned and nodded. He stood up and quietly made his path away from his busy, loud group of friends on the grass and onto the brick path, walking off to the rest of the park.

As time passed by, he felt his legs getting weaker. Suddenly, his eyes' vision narrowed and he felt a throbbing pressure in his temple.
Soon enough, he couldn't think, or see. He only felt the painful thud of his weak body hitting the floor.

On the other hand, Nick was carried away in a conversation when Tara spoke up.
"Hey, where's Charlie?" she asked confused. The group looked around.
"Uhm, he said he was going on a short walk." Nick replied.
"I don't mean to worry anybody, but... it's been an hour." Darcy said gulping. Nick inhaled nervously.
"I'll text him to make sure he's fine." he said. The group approves as they huddled around him.

3:38pm - char r u ok?
3:38pm - just checking up on u
3:40pm - charlie?
3:41pm - were kinda worried :(

"I've got a bad gut feeling. I'll go look for him." Nick said abruptly standing up. The group stared at him.
"Okay." Tao replied sighing.

Nick didn't know where he was running. He just ran. Running to wherever his gut feeling told him to go to.
And oh, was that gut feeling powerful.
Because as he turned around a corner where trees enveloped the path, he saw Charlie unconscious on the floor, a little bit of blood covering his head. Nick gasped as he sprinted over to his boyfriend.
"Charlie?!" he yelled. His sat down next to Charlie to see that his head was damaged. Nick's hands started shaking as tears cornered his eyes and his breath hitched. He took out his phone and clumsily dialed Tao. Tao answered almost immediately and worried questions could be heard from the group on the other side.
"C-Charlie's unconscious on the floor here! He's bleeding!" Nick cried.
"Shit! I'll go get Mr Farouk, he's close to us! Stay calm and send us your location!" Elle yelled, running away from the phone.
"Nick, breath! It'll be okay!" Isaac said.
"He's bleeding.. f-from his head!" Nick sputtered. "Oh no... Charlie... oh no... why didn't you tell me you didn't eat for so long...?" he whispered sniffing as he took off his sweater and gently wrapped it around Charlie's head.


Charlie woke up to a bright light and quiet chatting. He opened his eyes to receive an excruciating headache which almost made him pass out again. Luckily it only lasted for a minute and he managed to open his eyes normally and look around.
A clinic.
Nick sat on the other side of the room with Tao.
"Uhm..." Charlie managed to squeak out. The other two swiftly turned their heads around according to the sound, and smiled in relief. Nick rushed over to him and hugged him just tight enough to not cause Charlie pain, only pleasure.
"I was so worried! Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me you weren't eating?" Nick cried into Charlie's shoulder. Charlie felt a tear roll down his cheek as he hugged back.
"I'm sorry."
"You passed out and hit your head pretty badly." Tao said standing behind Nick, pointing at Charlie's head. Charlie frowned and put his hand above to feel bandages wrapped around his head.
"Ohhh... that's why it hurt so much." Charlie whispered to himself.
"...I really love you, Charlie. Please please please tell me when you don't eat for so long! You could've bled even more and..." Nick's eyes darkened at the thought. "No, no. Whatever. It's okay. Just... be careful! I'll always be here for you! You can always talk to me about anything, Charlie."
"I love you."
"I love you more."
"...Sorry to interrupt this beautiful moment but... I want a hug too, Charlie." Tao muttered from behind. The couple giggled as Nick moved aside to let Tao tightly embrace Charlie.
"Stupid. We all love you so much." Tao murmured.

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