migraines - 💗/❤️‍🩹🌱

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Request by @Sophiekate6
sickfic! light angst ending with fluff! YAY!!
i got 100% on both my native language and english exams 😩😩 santamariaqueestasenelcielo i feel liberated from everything. this feeling is beautiful. LMAO
actually that feeling is gone thinking about my upcoming 8 final exams 😍

tw (?): sensory overload, sickness

Charlie sighed and turned off his alarm. After a hot minute of debating whether it was worth it to get out of bed, he reluctantly stood up, stretching and cranking his eyes open.
However, a few blissful seconds later, a throbbing headache that had haunted him last night came back nearly knocking him out again. He gasped and inhaled slowly, rubbing his temple. He felt like he was going to throw up.
After mentally bracing himself for the long day ahead, Charlie slumped down the stairs and was greeted by his sister Tori who immediately narrowed her eyes at him.
"Why does your face look like that?" she asked emotionlessly, cereal bowl in hand.
"...I just have a terrible headache."
"You look like you died 3 times and sold your soul tonight."
"I'm not saying it as an insult. I'm just saying you look really sick. You should definitely stay at home."
"I have an English essay to do though!"
"Uh-huh. Like if you want to do it."
"Tori! I can't miss school. I'll be fine, I just need paracetamol... or a slap on the face."
"I've restocked on the second option." Tori smirked. Charlie rolled his eyes smiling too.
"I'm good, thanks. Anyways. I gotta go."
"Not gonna have breakfast?"
"Nope. I'll probably throw it up immediately, and that won't be very pretty."
"Alright. Hope you feel better soon."
"Thanks Tori!"

Charlie simply could not concentrate on equations and inequalities. The headache did not lessen, and he always felt like he was drowning in cold sweat. His hands were trembling slightly and his head felt like it was about to burst.
"Uh... Charlie? Are you feeling okay?" Ms Bedwin, his maths teacher, asked kindly. "Do you want to go to the infirmary?"
"Y-Yes, please." he managed to mutter out as he stumbled out of the classroom, not having the extra energy to care about the stares he received on his way out.

The infirmary was dead silent apart from the typing of the nurse's keyboard.
"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" The nurse tilted her head, appearing behind her computer, with an empathetic smile.
"Uh... Terrible, to be honest." Charlie weakly smiled back. The nurse nodded slowly and then took out a piece of paper, scribbling on it for half a minute and signing it, handing it to Charlie.
"Here. Permission slip to go home. Take it to the entry office, okay? But first call a parent or something... is anyone at home right now?"
"Yeah. Yeah, my moms at home today."
"Perfect! How about you give her a call then?"
Charlie rubbed his temple, his head spiraling, and picked up his phone, clicking on his mother's contact and calling her. After a few rings his mother answered.
"Hi love! What's up?" the familiar voice was heard through the phone.
"Uhm, mom... Can I go home? I feel really bad."
"Ah... yes, yes, of course! Tori told me how rough you looked in the morning. She told you to stay at home." You could audibly hear an empathetic smile forming on his mother's face. "I'll be waiting for you at home, dear. Be safe. Love you!"
"Yeah, love you too." Charlie said and hung up. The nurse looked at him expectantly and he nodded.
"Great! Hope you feel better soon. Rest a lot, Charlie."
"Thank you, miss." he thanked the nursed on his way out.

A slumped backpack over his shoulder, Charlie walked through the empty halls of his high school. To his terrible luck, the bell rung a few steps in and soon enough he was choked in the crowd of high schoolers.
Trying not to pass out from noise, light and dizziness mixed, Charlie hurried to get out as fast as possible.
But there were too many people. Too much sound. Too much light.
Charlie could feel his chest tightening as he breathed heavily, his vision blurring slightly. Suddenly a hand yanked him aside.
He squeaked and tried to look clearly in front of him.
In a little area behind the stairs, away from all the stimulus, Nick stared at Charlie worriedly.
"Char? What happened?" Nick said softly. Charlie blinked trying to stop the spiraling in his mind.
"You're crying."
"Are you okay? You seem really detached from... everything."
"Uh... yeah. Yeah. I'm just on my way home. I feel really sick." Charlie muttered as the crowds slowly disappeared. "I'm sorry, you should go to class, I don't want to make you late to class." He said avoiding eye contact. Nick forced it though and for a split second they just gazed at each other.
Then Charlie could feel himself falling in and out of consciousness as he passed out. Luckily Nick caught him in time.

When Charlie opened his eyes he didn't feel as bad as before. He was at home, and the air was filled with the pleasant aroma of pancakes.
He looked around to recognize that he was in Nick's house. Then he closed his eyes again and breathed deeply, deciding to wait for footsteps that would approach him.

Soon enough they did, and the door creaked open, Nick coming in with a plate of freshly made pancakes and a cup of tea.
"Oh, hi." He said smiling. Charlie smiled back as Nick left the things in the bedside table and gently sat on the bed. "How are you feeling?"
"A little better. Thank you for bringing me here and all... I hope it wasn't too much fuss." he pointed at the pancakes. "And thanks for the food."
"Yeah, no problem! You should've stayed at home though, you seemed really sick!" Nick said worriedly holding Charlie's hand. Charlie chuckled in response.
"You are not the first person to tell me that today."
They both giggled as Nick kissed his forehead and gave him a big hug.
"There, now you should rest and eat a little, okay?"
"Okay. But stay with meee!" Charlie whined.
"I will!" Nick smiled.
"I love you, I guess." Charlie rolled his eyes and playfully nudged Nick. Nick nudged back.
"Hey! I guess I can say I love you too..."
They both burst out in laughter.

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