leave us alone!!! - 🌱💗

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request by @Ani2067 hope u like it!!
angst ending with fluff, as usual ahahsnsjaxnskx
heavy!! :(
tw: homophobia, slurs, suicide-related threats, verbal assault, fighting

"Charlie just be patient! We're nearly there." Nick said holding Charlie's hand.
"Fine! Fine." Charlie replied smiling. They both giggled as they walked through the calm streets, and soon it was going to be the sunset.

It was Charlie's birthday that day, and Nick had an awesome idea of a date. He had found a beautiful view were there were a bunch of picnic tables on a grassy area with loads of flowers everywhere, and this area was a small cliff in which at the bottom, a lake swished. Everything was aligning perfectly; it was a sunny day, Nick had had just enough time to buy a fresh cake from the bakery when Charlie was napping, etc.
Nick loved Charlie so much, so he tried his best to make him happy: he bought a nice little strawberry and chocolate cake, which was one of the only 'danger' foods that Charlie allowed himself to eat sometimes. Nick's gifts to him? A oversized hoodie, a little collection of photos of them together, a card, and hand-made matching rainbow bracelets for the two of them to wear. And of course, he couldn't forget about the paper rose that he made himself, staying up super late at night to watch tutorials to learn how to make them.

When they got close to the forest, Nick let go from Charlie's hand and covered his boyfriend's eyes, the other hand holding the bag with the gifts.
"Wha- You better not make me crash against a lamppost or something." Charlie said smiling. They both giggled.
Only when they sat down at the picnic table, he took his hand off. Charlie blinked and looked around, gasping. There were a few more couples on the other picnic tables.
"Oh- oh wow! This is... beautiful. How did you find this place?" Charlie said excitedly. Nick smiled genuinely really proud and took out his bag of gifts.
"I have my ways. And uh... Happy birthday, Charlie." he said, giddy and nervous to see what Charlie thought about the gifts. Charlie gasped happily and kissed Nick quickly.
"Oh my god. I love you." he said, taking the bag and opening the first gift: the hoodie. Charlie looked at Nick, a wide smile on his face. "I love this. Thank you. But you'll have to wear it first so it smells like you."
"You like my smell?"
"Don't make it weird! You know what I mean."
".. wait.. there are more gifts?!"
"Uh- DUH! Go on, open them!"
"Ooo, photos! Wait- this is actually so cute... thank you so much, Nick..." Charlie said, blushing as he looked at every photo carefully. Nick blushed too, even prouder now. The fact that he made that boy happy meant so much to him.
They closed the space between them with a tender kiss, but just then they heard weird noses from behind. They looked back to see a couple looking back at them disgusted.

"Uh- can we help you?" Charlie said.
"Are you talking to us?" the woman said, looking back and then the couple laughed again.
"Yeah, you can. Stop kissing in public, Jesus." the man snarled.
Nick turned around fully now, narrowing his eyes.
"And why would we do that, exactly?"
"Because being gay is a sin!"
"Okay, just another pair of homophobes. Anyways, Charlie, love-"
"Ewww two men aren't supposed to be together." The woman said, faking a gag.
"Can you just leave us alone?" Charlie said, annoyed by the pair in front of him.
"Uh. What the hell? Who do you think you are, talking to my girl like that?" The man said. Charlie rolled his eyes.
"And who do you think you are, talking to my boyfriend like that? Yes. Boyfriend. Deal with it. Goddamn." he replied in the same tone.
"Oh, my god." the woman said offended. "This is why you f*ggots are sinners. You act as if you are the move, but you aren't."
"Yeah. Charlie, was it? You can go kill yourself, 'aight mate?"
As soon as those words were blurted put by the man, Charlie went pale. He did not like being told to kill himself, as everyone else, but especially him, since he had had those kind of problems in the past.
"Do not talk to my boyfriend like that, I'm warning you, d*ckhead."
"You have no right to talk to me like that."

Nick finally had it.
"And you have no right to say that to him or control our personal preferences. If I want to bang a guy I will. That's just the way it is."
"Ewww bang a guy? That's sooo disgusting, besides, why would you even get with that f*g specifically? What a waste. My babe is right, he should just kill himself." the woman replied in a mocking tone.
Charlie stared at the woman even paler, then looking down and fiddling with the sleeves of his sweater. The comments were starting to get to him.
Nick's eyes widened as he stood up from the table.
"Excuse you?! What did you just say to him?? Oh, you've done it now, b*tch." Nick whispered. He stood up and swiftly slapped the woman. The man immediately starting yelling slurs at Nick as they started to fight. The woman and Charlie both stood away. The woman was yelling "Yes babe, hit him! Teach him a lesson!" as Charlie started to cry quietly, overwhelmed.

A few minutes later, Nick and Charlie watched as the homophobic couple stomped off. Then Nick turned to Charlie worriedly.
"Charlie... I ruined your birthday. I'm so sorry."
"W...what? No, no, it wasn't your fault."
"I'm still so sorry, we should have just gone. I just couldn't contain myself when they said... those things about you." Nick said as Charlie hugged him.
"I know. Don't worry, Nick. It's okay. It's fine because you're here." Charlie said, his soft voice muffled in Nick's jacket.
"I don't deserve you."
"Are you kidding? I'm the one that doesn't deserve you. You literally just fought someone because they said stuff to me."
"How am I not going to react to what they said?!"
"Still. Nick, I really love you."
"I love you more."
"Fine! Oh my god." Charlie said giggling. Nick giggled back.
"You still a few more things to open. And we have to eat cake!"
"More presents? Cake?? You're spoiling me!"
"I mean, you did tell me yesterday to treat you like a brat-"
"NICK! SHUT UP!" Charlie said flustered, beet red as they both laughed.

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