[1/2] but... you're nick and charlie - 🌱/🪴💔 (N&C, others)

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Request by @AnimeShipper22
ahshaksakh either way enjoyyy!!

Via iMessages
Ben: Harry meet me in the library before form today
Harry: Why
Ben: Just do it
Harry: Ok
Ben: See you
Harry: Yeah bye


"You're going to get late to your biology class and Ms Welshman will be mad at you." Nick said trying not to laugh as Charlie desperately tried to get a stuck load of books out of his locker. His locker was always, for some reason, packed until the maximum.
"Instead of talking about it, help me?" Charlie replied huffing. They both broke out in laughter and then Charlie moved apart as Nick tried to get the books out.
No way. It was stuck like cement.
"Anyways, don't you have class as well?" Charlie said narrowing his eyes.
"No. I have free period."
*second bell rings*
"OH NO! Okay. Uhh.. how do I do this.." Charlie sighed rubbing his temple.
"Here. Let me try again."
Charlie moved apart and Nick started to pull at the books. About 5 seconds later, he stumbled backwards as the pile of books shot out and fell onto him. Charlie gasped and picked the books up from Nick's chest.
"Are you okay?" Charlie said giggling.
"...Yeah." Nick said blinking shocked and then giggled along.
"Thank you Nick!!"
"You're welcome. Uhm... Now... run to class." Nick said smiling.
"Huh..? oh. OH. RIGHT! BYE!" Charlie hurried off to his biology lesson.

Charlie huffed, out of breath, as he ran through the now mostly empty corridors of the school, swearing under his breath.
Suddenly, he saw someone cross his path and before he knew it he crashed onto them.
Ben Hope.
"Watch where you're goi- Charlie?!" Ben snarked and then looked down at Charlie, his plan going perfectly.
"Uhh, hi." Charlie said reluctantly. "Sorry but.. I have class, bye-"
"I saw Nick with Imogen." Ben said putting a fake worried expression.
"...Your point?" Charlie said frowning. He trust Nick with all his soul and heart.
"What do you mean, my point? They were kissing!" Ben said frantically and frowned back.
"I don't exactly trust or believe you. Anyways, I'm really late to my lecture, so leave me alone."
"Charlie. I'm saying this for your own good. I'm trying to improve as a person! Trust me, I saw them!" Ben shouted as Charlie ran away from him and stumbled onto his class, apologizing and quickly seating down.
Nick was super loyal. There was no way. Anyways, Imogen and Nick had decided that they were better off as friends.
Only friends. No kissing.

On the other hand, Nick was in the library when he received a text message from Charlie:

c: ben tried to convince me that he saw u kissing imogen LMAO
n: rlly? r u ok?
n: did he do anything uhh physical?
c: no no
n: he knows that imogen and i r only friends omfg
c: yeah like wtf
n: u should concentrate on ur biology lesson
c: i'm so tired about learning about the hunting process of sharks
n: haha u will survive
n: gtg bye
c: nooo don't leave me
c: nick??
c: fineee
c: love u ig 🙄 bye

Charlie turned his phone off as he sighed and looked up at the board.
That sudden cut off in the conversation was a little strange.
Imogen also had free period.
No. Don't be stupid. Ben is just jealous, you can't believe him.
Nick is loyal.
That wouldn't happen.

1 hour later

Nick picked up his books from the library desk and left, having a psychology lesson next.
The frenetic student body filled the school hallways as Nick darted his eyes around the room, looking to see if he could potentially see Charlie and check up on him before going to class.
But, of course, Mother Luck wasn't on his side this time.
From looking to the sides so much he didn't notice someone oddly close to him until he felt an arm around his shoulder. He turned his head to see Harry.
"What do you want, Harry?" Nick said sighing.
"Listen, mate... I know you love Charlie a lot but... You need to break up with him."
"I saw him with some dude behind the school."
"I don't believe you."
"And they were kissing!"
"And I still don't believe you! Do you really think that out of you and Charlie, I would trust you more? Well, whatever idea you're got in your head, it's not going to work. So, do you want anything else?" Nick snapped at Harry.
"I know I've wronged you in the past. But bro. Trust me on this one."
"Fine! But if then you find out he's accusing you of cheating just know that I'm right! 'Cos that's his plan. I saw him planning it with the other boy!"
Oh crap. That hit the dart. He didn't exactly accuse him of cheating, but Nick knew that Charlie was ever so slightly suspicious by the tone of his text messages.
How did Harry know that...? Did he actually see Charlie with...? No. No, Charlie was too good of a person to cheat. They loved each other a lot. Yeah.
"Just leave me alone."


"So yeah. He sort of just left me mid convo."
"Are you dumb? Nick is so in love with you it hurts to watch."
"He's been distant though! After I told him about what happened with Ben today."
"Do you really think he's cheating?"
"No. No... I mean... no. I don't think so."
"*sigh* listen. Maybe you should also be distant with him. Make him nervous that you know something. If he gives in and admits to anything, that's your answer."
"...Okay. Thanks Aled."
"No problem Charlie." Aled straightened his back as he slung the bag over his shoulder and left Charlie in the picnic table, overthinking about everything.

Suddenly, Charlie saw Nick was walking over to him. His head started to pond a little. He didn't want to ignore Nick. But he had to, if he wanted to know the truth. So he swiftly stood up, visibly stared at Nick from afar for a split second and sighed before walking away. Nick stopped in his tracks as he watched Charlie avoid him, hurt. Did he do something?

n: charlie
n: charlie
n: char
n: charlie spring
n: springster
n: gay nerd
n: love of my life
c: hi
n: did i do smth
c: no
n: come on
n: ur never this dry to me
n: did i do smth?
n: pls :(
n: we can talk abt it charlie
c: gtg bye
n: charlieee

Fine then. If that's what Charlie wanted, then so be it.
Nick turned off his phone, frustrated. Charlie was getting a little on his nerves. No explanation? No cause? No nothing?
Nick then saw Tao sliding in front of him silently, staring at him and frowning.
"What's wrong?" he muttered.
"You think I haven't noticed? Charlie and you are weirdly distanced today."
"Nothing happened."
"Come on. Tell me."
"Nothing happened! Goddamn!" Nick said angrily, then instantly regretting it when he looked at Tao's face.
Tao cleared his voice and nodded.
"Okay." and he walked away.

Two minutes later, Tao came back with a reluctant Charlie, then running off and leaving them both alone together.
"Oh." Nick said surprised. "Hi, Charlie... Can you please tell me what's wrong?"
"Please. You're acting as if... I don't know. You wanna break up. Or something."
"Are you really suggesting that? Wow."
"Why are you giving me attitude? You can't even tell me why you're mad at me?"
"I'm not mad."
"Yes you are. What's wrong with you today?!"
"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?! Cutting off mid-conversation, arguing with me... what the hell did I do?!"
"I didn't do sh*t! You're the one acting up!"
"Oh my god! Just... stop being so annoying! I just need a little bit of space. Can you not understand that Nick? Just let me be for a little!" Charlie said, snapping at Nick, starting to believe Ben.

Ouch. 'Annoying'. That word hurt, Nick thought. His anger was now faltering as sadness took over him.

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