our little sister - 🪴💔 Charlie, Tori, AU sister: Paloma)

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Request by mati_A10 :)
Love u all! Thank u sm for the reads and votes, this is insane!! <3
Anyways... THE SPRING FAMILY >>>
Angst akakdkakdjs
AU: In this one-shot, Charlie and Tori have a little sister called Paloma (fun fact, did u guys know that paloma means pigeon in Spanish? It's a common name here and in Italy too!)
The angsty part is kinda inspired on a oneshot I read (i don't remember the author's name, sorry ☹️)
TW: cyberbullying, self-harm, suicide-related threats
Enjoy!! :D

Paloma Spring was a 13-year-old girl with a curly black bob and greyish-blue eyes, a slim body and chiseled face. A proud sister of Charlie and Tori Spring, by the way.
She was considered a ray of sunshine by many. She always seemed to be full of energy, no matter the day, and just taking a look at her could light up a room.
But unfortunately, like many kids her age, she was exposed to the internet too early. And as beneficial as the internet can be, it also brang some rather grave problems. Such as cyber bullying.

One of these days Paloma happily posted a selfie of herself onto her private Instagram account, where she was posing with her best friend Amelia Long at the beach. She thought she looked great in the photo, honestly. But as time went by and the post received more attention, things started going wrong.

3 hours ago


74 views // 68 likes // 9 comments
plma.spring.10 at the beach with my 4lifer 😎😎 @ame.long.lie
ame.long.lie the ice cream stand was life changing ngl. love u
mary.toby111 cuteee!! 😮‍💨😮‍💨
doraforagora omggg looks like fun, u guys look amazing 💞
sarahsheesh69 when was this??? think i saw u guys 🤪

Paloma's eyes darted through the comments, a smile spread across her face, her fingers steadily clicking the screen to hit the like button. However, soon enough a frown erased her smile as she scrolled further.

kyle.killerbro the double chin LMFAO
kyle.killerbro 🤢🤮🤮
responding to kyle.killerbro: cheddarchad HAHAHA EWWW AND THE ACNE
responding to kyle.killerbro: ame.long.lie wtf is wrong with u?! stfu
responding to cheddarchad: doraforagora no bitches?

"Paloma? Are you okay?" Charlie questioned, worry laced in his voice as Paloma's siblings stared at her from across the kitchen table.
"Uh... yeah. Yeah." Paloma nervously replied, shoving her phone in her coat pocket. "Um, gotta go upstairs. I'm ready to go whenever you guys are." and right then she hurried off from the kitchen. Tori and Charlie looked at each other, sighing in sync.

Over the next weeks the cyber bullying didn't stop. In fact, it only got worse. This 'Kyle' and 'Chad' decided to bring over some of their friends to leave spiteful comments under Paloma's posts.
Paloma was naturally a very sensitive person. She overthought everything, and her friends always told her she was, in terms of personality, practically identical to big brother Charlie. So, logically these comments starting actually getting to her, and she started hating herself for it. Charlie and Tori noticed this right away, but could not get an answer out of her, no matter how much they pried.

One rainy Wednesday, Paloma stomped home already tearing up. What a horrible day. She had totally failed her French exam, and she had tripped in the playground during break time, severely scraping both her knees. If that wasn't enough, her siblings had extracurricular activities and wouldn't be home for another hour.
Paloma run up the stairs and slammed her bedroom door, falling onto the bed and rubbing her temple. She reluctantly took out her phone and logged onto her Instagram account, being immediately greeted with a bunch of private DMs - not positive ones.

kyle.killerbro, cheddar chad
k: KYS
c: KYS
k: KYS
c: KYS
k: KYS
c: KYS
k: KYS
c: KYS
k: KYS
c: KYS

Paloma had tried to exit that unrequested group chat for a week already, but kept getting added.
And with that horrible day, the spam messages were the cherry on the top.
She let out a choked sob as she threw her phone away and covered her face with her shaking hands.
No. I shouldn't do that
Should I?
I deserve it
I'm such an attention seeker
Just do it

Paloma sat up trembling and scrambled for her bag.
Sharpener. Where is it?
I need to call Charlie
He would know what to do

Paloma picked up her phone as she desperately tried to breathe and searched for Charlie's contact.

"Hey pigeon! What's up? I'm packing up to go home." Charlie's sweet and teasing voice screeched through the phone's speaker.
"C-Charlie, help..." Paloma managed to stutter out.
"What? What happened? Are you okay?!" Paloma heard quick rustling from the other side.
"I'm going t-to do something stupid."
"What?! Wait, NO! Hold on!" Charlie yelled. She could hear running on the other side.
Paloma couldn't answer as she choked on her tears, taking out the sharpener and clumsily breaking through the plastic to get to the blade. The dreaded click of the sharpener breaking was clearly audible because Paloma heard gasping and even faster running.
"Paloma, NO. DON'T. IM- IM ON MY WAY! PLEASE!" Charlie pleaded.
Paloma's hands trembled as she held her phone with one hand and held the sharpener in another.
"Stay on line, Paloma! Please! Do you hear me?! Don't hang up. I'll be there in 5 minutes!" She heard a panting voice from her sibling and inhaled shakily.

As the minutes passed, Paloma stayed on line with Charlie as he ran through the streets and desperately tried to to stop her from using the sharpener's blade. Ever since they moved homes to be so close to the school things had been much easier.
"I see home! Give me a minute Paloma, please!" Charlie wheezed.

Soon enough Paloma heard the front doors swing open and clumsy footsteps approached her, but the damage was done.
As soon as she pronounced that name the bedroom door creaked open and a crying Charlie peered into the bedroom, then running over to check on Paloma.
"Paloma! Oh my god!" Charlie yelled as he hugged Paloma tightly. Paloma weakly hugged back as they both started to sob together.
"Did you...?"
"..." Paloma exposed her bare arms to her brother which had just two thin cuts, one on both arm.
"Oh... Paloma..." Charlie stared at Paloma's harmed arms with widened eyes. "It's okay. Come, let's get you cleaned up." Charlie kissed Paloma's forehead and guided her to the bathroom (please don't sexualize or ship them), taking her phone out and quickly alerting Tori of the situation.
"I love you, Charlie. Sorry for making you rush here."
"I love you too little sis. And it's okay."

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