[2/2] gunshots - 🌱💗 (SHORT)

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You ask and you shall receive :)
Part 2 of @Anoukxyz 's request!
P.S. Sorry it's rlly short! Again it's just the ending, originally this little story was going to be just pure angst with a sad ending so this is more of an addition to it.

TW: Mentions of school shooting

Charlie tried to take deep breaths as he ran a hand over his hair. Slouching further down the wall, he looked around the grey and dirty cell.
Deep breaths, Charlie. he told himself. They'll figure out the truth soon and you'll be okay.

Meanwhile, Nick and Elle were desperately trying to somehow reach out to Charlie, and convince the police that Charlie was innocent.
"Please! Just listen to us! Check the school cameras once more!" Nick pleaded.
"Yeah... Charlie had maths, maybe if you check the camera at Hallway 2B you'll see him hiding somewhere in the class?" Elle repeated with a hoarse voice, which was the best she could do while at the same time crying softly about Tao.
"Sorry lads, but various students confirm that they saw the shooter blowing the damn victims heads off, and he had Mr Spring's physical description." One of the policeman mustered, not twitching a muscle.
"Wait. Physical description? What did they say?" Nick pried nervously. The other policeman eye-sided him, sighed and looked back at his papers in front of him.
"Let's see... Skinny, light skin, straight brunette hair, which was at first covered by a black hood until the last moment, and thick eyebrows... you get it."
"Wait." Elle looked up from her shoes and glanced at Nick, who also had widened eyes. "Straight brunette hair? Charlie has curly black hair!" She sniffled and looked at both men frantically.
"Y-yeah! He does."

The first policeman rubbed his temple, letting out an irritated huff.
"Kids, we weren't at the scene. The ones who arrested Mr Spring are not in town anymore. We can do nothing about this, we don't even have permission for the majority of things. We just control the police station's local reports, and not violent crimes. Sorry lads, but if you want to prove Mr Spring is innocent, we need direct evidence to show to Mr Lidden."
"S-so check the cameras then!" Elle banged her fist on the table, her eyes red and her voice raspy but strong. "Check the damn cameras."

An hour after that, that Charlie heard footsteps and quiet talking. He incorporated himself in his position on the floor of the cell, wiping his tears and sniffling. A tall, muscular police man walked over to him and smiled tiredly. He had the name tag "Mr Lidden", as Charlie noticed.
"You're lucky, kid. Your friends spotted direct evidence of you being innocent in this case. You're free to go, and we're going to officially apologize to the media and the people and everything, especially your family. A lot of money will be sent to your legal guardians as part of our apology."
Right as he finished talking, Charlie saw Nick and Elle appear next to him. Nick gave him a little wave and Elle chuckled relieved through the tears.

He scurried up and as soon as the cell door was opened, he threw himself at his friends, hugging them tighter than he ever did. They laughed and cried together.
"You're safe! You're innocent!" Nick repeated over and over again, pulling back to stare at him and then giving him a short, chaste kiss.

Mr Lidden cleared his throat awkwardly. "I don't mean to interrupt, but... Mr Spring... you might wanna speak to your mother...?"

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