side effects of freedom - 🪴💗 (Charlie's friend group)

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request by mati_A10 hope this is ok!!
tw: transphobia, discrimination, bullying

Okay, just one more month until she moved to Higgs.
Elle stepped off the school bus nervously. It was a normal Monday, but for a few weeks she had been getting a bad time from some of the school bullies, especially Harry Greene. She was dreading to see the school gates, to which on the right side a big picnic table stood, the group she hated huddled around it. She was also dreading this Monday because Aled wasn't going to come for the whole week. In summary, things weren't starting off very nicely.
"Yo! Elliot!" Elle heard a childish and kind of intimidating voice from the table as she stepped off the bus. Ew. Harry, of course.
She tried to walk quickly through the school gates but Harry jumped down from the bench and put an arm around her, snickering, looking at the group and then back at her.
"All right, mate? You look humiliating like this. You're still a boy, you know." he smirked. Elle threw his arms off her and glared at him.
"What do you want again?" she said in a tired voice.
"Aha, nothing, mate. Just reminding you that wearing the girls' uniform and putting your hair in ponytails doesn't change anything. Only now you look even worse. Besides, you still look like a boy to me." Harry laughed at Elle and then shoved her, going back to the table. Elle's heart swelled with anger as she stared at them. Harry noticed this and stared back, smirking again.
"What are you staring about? You obsessed with me or something?" he said snickering.
And then and there, Elle lost it. She took a step forward and breathed in.
"You have no right to talk about my personal preferences. If I want to wear skirts and have ponytails, I'll wear them. What's your problem with me being a girl?"
"It's disgusting, mate."
"Disgusting? Really? And you picking on innocent people for something that isn't your business isn't? I think I might puke." she said, narrowing her eyes.
Tao, who just arrived to school alongside with Charlie, took one look and alerted him about the view. They run up to the table worriedly.
"Just get away from me, tr**ny!" Harry shouted.

Practically everyone gasped. Tao had heard one sentence, and that was enough. He stepped forward to look at Harry in the eye.
"Who do you think you are, talking to Elle like that? You have the personality of a cardboard poster that says "Saturday is for the boys" in dry red marker, so know your place, alright?"
"Why are you protecting him dude? You wanna fight?" Harry yelled. "Oh, look, the gay boy is here too. Hey, Charlie! What's it like being gay?"
"Leave us alone!" Charlie said from behind Tao, giving Harry an icy glare.
"Aw, boring." Harry said laughing once again. "Whatever. Yo Elliot, boys are hotter with one tiny ponytail, not two!"
"So you know about hot boys? Sounds like you've been researching. Kinda suspicious, if you ask me." Tao snapped back.
That shut Harry up, his eyes widened, shocked, the rest of his group "oooh"-ing at him.
Elle, hurt from the remarks from before, felt a tear roll down her cheek and she swiftly ran off, Tao and Charlie looking at each other and then running after her.
"Elle!" Charlie tried to get her attention, but soon lost her sight in the busy corridors. Right then the first bell went.
"Oh, no. I still have to go to my locker. Tao, second period we all have english. Let's check up on her then." Charlie said nervously. Tao nodded quickly and walked off to his own locker.

Second period - 10:20am

"Good morning everyone! Today we will be doing persuasive articles..." The teacher carried off talking about features of persuasive articles as Charlie looked at Elle and discreetly pulled his phone out. He had new messages from their group chat.

Morons 101

Tao: elle r u ok? we lost u in the hall crowd :((
Elle: i'm fine honestly, i kinda braced myself for it considering this is an all-boys school 🤠
Charlie: jesus i hate greene sm
Tao: he can cutely rot in hell <3
Elle: agreed
Aled: what happened???
Tao: elle came in the girls' uniform and ponytails, harry decided to not mind his own business
Aled: ew
Aled: i'm so sorry elle ru ok?? :(
Tao: he literally shouted a slur at her and shoved her. i think i'm going to get my bat tomorrow 🤪🤪
Charlie: u have a bat¿?.?.?¿!!¡
Tao: yuh i'm ready to beat harry anyday 😩
Charlie: lmao tao wth 😭😭
Charlie: elle do u want me to report anything to the teachers?
Elle: i'm ok now seriously guys thanks :)
Charlie: love u elle <333
Elle: love u too charlie :)<3
Tao: ok but i'm still buying ur juice today
Elle: ur doing that anyway cos you've fallen for me SO hard omfg 😎😎
Tao: nvm
Elle: no i'm sorry ily
Tao: i guess i love u too
Aled: reading with popcorn rn 😻
Charlie: guys shut up mr is explaining the project
Tao: fineee
Elle: oops soz

Elle put her phone away along with Charlie and Tao, looking up at the board to be bombarded with information on their project. She sighed and looked at Tao and then at Charlie, and couldn't help but smile.
She loved her friends so much.
"What is so entertaining, Elliot?" The teacher said to Elle. Elle couldn't help but feel her chest tighten a little every time she was called by her dead name.
"Nothing." she said.
One month.
One more month and she'd be alright.
She'd survive with her friends' support.

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