[2/2] but... you're nick and charlie - 🌱/🪴❤️‍🩹 (N&C, others)

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Request by @AnimeShipper22
CAUSE... this one is... FLUFF! 🎉🎊 YAYYY

p.s. sorry this chapter is kinda short!! it's mainly written just to end the oneshot ajskakdjf
p.s. 2 what do u guys think of my writing style? anything i should change? i've been feeling kinda bad abt my writing lately :(

It had been a day since Nick and Charlie had argued, and oh boy was it affecting the couple. The both had stood up all night, pondering about what happened, and if the other was actually cheating. Even the day seemed dimmer.

"You need to solve it out asap." Aled muttered, shaking his head, as the trio sat at the picnic table at break time.
"I feel so bad!" Charlie wailed.
"I don't even know what you guys argued about yet." Tao said rolling his eyes.
"Oh. Right. I didn't tell you."
"You told Aled though, right..?"
Aled looked up from his book, nodded, and looked back down.
"..." Charlie also kept his silence, guilty.
"Whatever. Just tell me what's going on." Tao said ignoring the detail.

Charlie's heart swelled like a furious river, endangering anyone that dared to disobey its current. His thoughts were, to say the least, overwhelming him. A part of him wanted to rush to Nick and apologize for everything, and hold him tight and kiss him, and the other part wanted to run away from everything, from school, from Nick, and rot in a hole.

"So... I think Nick cheated." Charlie spit it out, finding the sentence unnatural to say.
"Yeah. Uh. Ben came to me saying he saw Nick kissing Imogen. I didn't believe him at first, but... then Nick started acting a little suspicious. He cut off mid convo when he and Imogen had free period, then he started to distance from me, and then the argument came."
"...Charlie, as much as I love you, sometimes you're just very out of lane. Do you seriously believe Ben? Do you not see how much Nick actually loves you?" Tao said a little exasperated. Charlie inhaled as if to talk but only silence followed.
"Charlie. You need to talk to Nick. You can't let Ben destroy your relationship! Okay? Trust me. Just talk to him."
"Everything will go well. You guys are the literal representation of soulmates."
"Shut up Tao!" Charlie said giggling.

After school
Via iMessages
c: Meet me in 10 mins in the bus stop outside the school gates
n: ???
c: Nick please
n: Fine

"What is it, Charlie?" Charlie heard a pleasantly familiar voice from behind him that sounded way too sad to not hurt him, and he turned around to see Nick. His Nick, sitting down next to him awkwardly.
"...Nick..." Charlie tried to find the best words to describe the anguish he was feeling. How sorry he felt and how much he wanted Nick and him to resolve the conflict.

Suddenly a short wave of confidence took over him as he inhaled a shallow breath and started to ramble what he felt.
"I'm sorry! Seriously, I'm so sorry. Oh my gosh, I'm so dumb. I don't want argue with you, or break up, or anything like that!"
And Charlie was interrupted by a gentle touch on his jaw. He cut off as he stared at Nick, scared that he was going to ruin something. Nick looked back at him intensely.
"Charlie... I'm sorry too." Nick said quietly.
"Huh?" Charlie gasped, feeling a pang of hope when he heard that sentence. He could have burst out in tears of relief right there, in the middle of the bus stop.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you or argued with you...But... why were you mad at me?"
"U-Uhm.. this will sound painfully stupid but... Ben came to me that day saying that you were cheating. I didn't believe him! But.. then you sort of started acting distant, you know, with the cut off mid-convo online during my biology lesson, and... I don't know. I guess I overthought it too much. I'm sorry." Charlie sighed, frustrated at himself and looking down.
"Wait. Ben told you that? Harry told me that you were cheating with some other dude! And I cut off mid-convo online because Tao had free period too and asked me if he could lend me 10 pence!" Nick said shocked.
The couple exchanged looks as they finally comprehended everything. Silence filled the bus stop for a few seconds and then they both broke out laughing, in sync.
"They so planned that together! To break us up!" Nick chuckled.
"We're so dumb! How did we believe them?" Charlie smiled.
"We should have tried to talk about it. Instead of arguing." Nick muttered.
"Well, we'll know that for next time!"
"Yeah. Yeah!"
"I'm so sorry. I love you a lot, Char."
"I love you more."
"Charlie!! I love you more. End of convo!"
"Nope. I love you more. Deal with it sucker."
"Ugh... Whatever."

And there they were, giggling like a couple of idiots in a bus stop at sunset.

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