make up, make out, I MEAN - 🌱💞

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request by @spoildmilkinmycereal (sorry for taking so long with this request! :( i'm doing requests in order of time)
Theme/setting inspired by a Sapphic one-shot that I don't remember the name of (sorry)
woaHaHA it's happening
N&C lime 😳😳
I've never really written actual lime so... bear with me. I tried my best. UH YEAH. SO SORRY IF ITS CRINGY

"I cannot believe you're doing my eyeliner." Nick said giggling as Charlie sat on top of him.
"Stop moving!" Charlie also giggled.
They were both on the bed and Charlie had his sister's liquid eyeliner tube which he had gotten permission for earlier that day.
Nick stared at Charlie with heart eyes. He looked beautiful, like always.
"And... there we go! Voila!" Charlie said proudly, handing Nick a little mirror.
Oh. Oh wow. He looked surprisingly good with eyeliner, which was intentionally slightly smudged.
"This is so cool. I look.. hot." Nick said turning his head to watch his makeup more closely. Charlie smiled.
"I honestly cannot disagree with that."
"Oh? So you think I'm hot?" Nick said putting the mirror apart, getting closer to Charlie as they both giggled.
"I didn't say it. I just agreed." Charlie said lightheartedly scornfully.
"Wowww, okay..." Nick raised his eyebrows smiling even wider.

They closed the air between them with a soft kiss as both their hearts beat in unison. Nick embraced Charlie who was previously sitting on top of him and run a hand through his hair.

After a little they parted lips to breath deeply, both smiling and sync and kissing again, this time a little less gentle. Instead now Nick's hand hovered above Charlie's waist, trembling a little, non-orally asking for consent. Then he placed his hand and slightly pushed Charlie forward, Charlie's stomach swishing with excitement as he noticeably smiled in the kiss, which quickly deepened. The couple's hearts were now beating fast with anticipation.

Nick then started to move away from Charlie's mouth and onto his jawline, placing rough but caring kisses all over his neck. Charlie tried not to emit any sound as he grabbed Nick's tee and pushed his head backwards on the bed. Nick separated his lips from Charlie for a second.
"I'm sorry, I should have asked - Is this okay?"
"Um. Y-yes, obviously." Charlie stuttered blushing.
"Thought so." Nick smirked to himself and went back to practically abusing Charlie's neck, holding his boyfriend's waist lovingly.
Charlie exhaled in shallow breaths as Nick held Charlie still and kissed his neck, hitting spots that caused waves of pleasure to radiate down his body. His mind was foggy as he felt Nick's burning touch on his skin. It caused goosebumps.
"My love..." Nick whispered as he ran his hands down Charlie's body. Charlie let out a soft sound and blushed intensely, embarrassed.
"Don't be embarrassed! It's okay." Nick said laughing. Charlie laughed back beet red, pulling on Nick's hair. Nick sighed as he pushed further into Charlie's neck.
"Nick..." Charlie said, biting his lip as his boyfriend affectionately held him but roughly made out with him.
"" Charlie said not able to express the ecstasy he was feeling in that moment, instead just arching his neck back onto the pillow.

A few minutes later, they were cuddled up together, a comfortable silence enveloping them both.
"I should do your makeup more often." Charlie muttered.
"What, so you can make out with me?" Nick chuckled.
"Yeah. I like the idea."

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