diary entries - 🌱❤️‍🩹

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request by @boblikesdsmp . hope this is what u had in minddd
omg i cannot believe it. nick and charlie, pure fluff! AND no starting angst!! this is a REVELATION!!!
hahdnwksns anyways enjoy guys!! have a great day and take care <3
p.s. thank u for 3k reads omg ily all mwah mwah

"Charlie!" Nick called from upstairs, his voice sounding especially giddy.
"Yeah?" Charlie called back, smiling.
"Are you busy?"
"No, why?"
"You might want to come here!"
Charlie run up the stairs and went into Nick's bedroom. There, Nick was sat down on the floor, covered in old accessories while all around him laid junk and meaningless papers.
"You're cleaning the room?" Charlie said chuckling, sitting down next to his boyfriend.
"I'm trying to... but anyways! Look what I found!" Nick said excitedly. He was holding a white book with little flowers carefully drawn on it, with on the other hand clumsy handwriting that wrote "Nick's 2021/2 Diary". Oh, wow, it was 2026. That was long ago.
"How did you find that?" Charlie said curiously.
"I don't even know. In a box full of high school documents. Anyways, wanna read it together?"
"Really? Isn't it supposed to be... like... really personal?" Charlie said confused.
"Well, yeah, but I trust you more than anyone, so... also, that's the year we met, so maybe there's something about it written down. And I want to read it." Nick said eagerly. Charlie then slowly starting nodded.
"Yeah, sure! If you don't mind..."
They sat close together as Nick opened the first page.
"This diary belongs to Nick Nelson. If lost, please contact +44 xx xxx xxxx"
Nick turned the page again to find the first page of full-on writing. He cleared his throat and began to read with his book held up in front of Charlie.
"'24th November, 2021, 8:58pm, my room.
So, I think I'm falling for a boy.' Oh wow, okay. We're starting like this then." Nick said as the couple giggled.
"'This is a weird way to start writing in a diary, but I haven't ever touched this thing until today, cos I just felt like I just needed to write my feelings down somewhere.
His name is Charlie Spring. He sits next to me in form and he's a really cool person.' I mean, what I actually first noticed about you were your hands, but I've told you that before already. Anyways..." Charlie couldn't help but smile and blush a little when he heard Nick read the entry out.
"'He has black messy hair and light eyes. I think he's very pretty. I've been very confused on my feelings. Am I gay??? That doesn't sound right. The other day I was searching in the internet, and maybe, just maybe I might not be gay or straight. Maybe bi!
Anyways, it's been hell inside my mind. I keep feeling super detached and stressed not only cos of school, but because of this mess of a sexuality crisis. So like, I really like Charlie. But for some reason when I think about my one side of my brain wants to embrace that idea, and the other wants to push it away. Idk. It's really confusing.'" Nick read out.

The couple looked at each other and then let out a laugh.
"Hmmm, maybe, just maybe, I'm not straight." Charlie said, lightheartedly mocking Nick. Nick nudged him and kissed his forehead.

"'1st of December, 2021, 11:39pm, my room.
Ok so tell me how to calm down???
For some stupid reason I decided to hug Charlie before I went back home from his house (I spent the afternoon at his for the second time!!!)
WISH ME LUCK!' Wow, what a disaster of a person." Nick said jokingly.

"You were so cute thennn..." Charlie said smiling, lovingly looking at Nick. Nick quickly kissed his forehead again.
"So what? I'm not anymore?"
"No. Now you're not."
"Now I'm hot?"
"Nick! I said now you're not."
"Well, ouch."
"I'm kiddiiing." Charlie giggling and huddling up next to Nick. Now they were both reading the text together.

"'8th of November, 2021, 3am so technically it's the 9th but whatever, my room.
I LOVE CHARLIE!! THIS IS SO CONFUSING THO :( IM GONNA CRY' Jesus! I remember writing this. I enjoyed the kiss so much but was literally so confused. I felt really bad about running away then." Nick said frowning at the last part. Charlie ran his hand through Nick's hair.
"It's okay, I understood the next day when you came over to hang out. Remember? You sobbed onto my shoulder for like 3 minutes and then I kissed you in the rain. Crazy but unforgettable day." Charlie said blithely. They both looked at each other and giggled for the thousandth time that afternoon.
"Oh, wow. Never mind, this experience is over. I literally just have doodles in the rest of the book. Some of me and you. Look."

"Oh my god, that's adorable!!" Charlie laughed, blushing

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"Oh my god, that's adorable!!" Charlie laughed, blushing. "I- wow- I love you so much Niiickkk!!" he said.

They both laughed at the messy doodle and at Charlie's commentary. Then Nick hugged Charlie and they swayed together, quietly and affectionately reminding each other of all the old memories.
They'd been together for so long, it was crazy. But the fact that they both got the exact giddy feeling in their stomachs every time they kissed that they got all the years ago proved to the couple that soulmates were real. And they were the literally visual representation of it.

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