Short Poem

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Sometimes the best I can do is stay to myself. I am never enough. The darkness surrounds me, eating me whole. Eating away my happiness, my home. I no longer feel comfort in your I love you's and hellos. Alone. Alone to myself, my demons, and unheard cries. Alone with this emptiness voided by the rage that never seems to yell "Cease fire!" Alone. Alone in a world of violence and pain. Yelling out from the bruises, yelling out to you. Unheard. Unheard goes my pleas, and my grovels for help. Unheard. Unheard goes my heart's beat. The panicky thumps that overbears me with trust issues. Trust issues you inflicted every time your knuckles bruised my face. Issues I carry with me. Unintentional, disregarded. Using that shit to turn down those who could've brung LIFE to me. And here I am, alone. Alone, I am in this darkness as it reigns forevermore. Reaching out a shaky hand that shakes with revenge. Yet again. Alone. I am. No happiness shall prosper, in the darkness I'm in. Take away the fake smiles, and happy grins. That's whose left, alone. Its me, I cry out to thee who sees what they want to see in me. The darkness surrounds me like a swarm of angry bees after you killed their beloved queen. Its me. Cant you see? Open up your eyes and not just look but see. I yell out for you, hear my heart trumpets as they play this tune. Thump thump, goes the drums in my soul. Growing louder, as my ears begin to burst. My eyes begins to bleed as my tears began to rush. Like the blood from my veins as I cut it away. Alone. I am. In this darkness that feeds me. Serenading me, and wooing me. "Give up." It sings, and it sounds so pleasing because its so easy. To be alone. So I write this poem, as a testimony. Alone. As the darkness carresses my soul. I, forever, stand. Alone.

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