"I Love You!"

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Jasmine's POV

I'm tired of laying here not being able to talk to my family. I cry and I scream but obviously no one hears me. Being in a coma sucks. 😩

Trae's POV

I arrived at Tracy's baby mama house livid. I ran to the front door and kicked down the door and saw Trisha laying down on top of Tracy. What the fuck is this bitch doing here? I thought to myself. I was snapped out my thoughts by Tracy yelling "Yo man what the fuck. You broke my damn door." I said, "nigga fuck your door, and fuck you." I shot him and Trisha in the head until my clip was empty. Then I grabbed my machete from outside ran back inside and cut his head off. Don't ever come for me or my family you punk ass bitch. I spat.

I set the house on fire as I got back in my car and headed towards the hospital to visit my wife and see if she made any progress.

"Baby, I would really like for you to just show me a sign that your still there. Baby, anything, please? I really need you right now my lady. You are my queen, my heart, my soul. The reason I want to continue living; the reason I'm getting out of the game. You are my light in the darkness, my shade in the sun. The air that I breathe doesn't help because you are my air. Baby without you I am lifeless. Just please show me something, I love you Jasmine." The heart monitor began showing a spike in heart activity as I paged for the nurses to make sure I didn't cause it and that nothing bad was happening. Before the nurses arrived she open her eyes.

"I love you too peanut." She coughed up a laugh as I hurriedly leaned down to her face and kissed her like it would be my last time. The doctors came in and checked to make sure she was okay and that told me she couldn't come home. I yelled at them and asked them why and they said that they had to monitor her for an extra day or two to make sure she had enough heart stability to be released. Even though I wasn't pleased with they answered I wanted her to be okay so I finally gave in and said okay. I kissed her again as I told her about everything that's been happening, although I left out a few minor details. I don't need her going into shock or crying, her aunt was fine. I think. I never did call and check on her. Oh well, I'm sure everything is okay.

[ Press Play On The Video ]

I went home to take a shower and change my clothes to head back to the hospital but my gate was open and no one knew the code but me and Jasmine, and Jude, but he dead.

I pulled out my gun as I continued driving into the parking lot. Who the fuck knows my code? I parked my car, and hopped out the car jogging to the back door. Only because everyone expects you to enter through the front. I saw the latch on the back door had been pryed open so I got even more attentive and cautios. I tiptoed in and saw someone making a sandwich in my damn kitchen. I turned on the silencer and shot them in the head then I made my way to the basement before I headed upstairs to make sure when I did I wasn't spotted going up the stairs. It was clear so I made my way back up towards the stairs. I went into the front edging closer and closer to the front room and I heard the television on ESPN. Nowhere was there though, he must have been the one I shot. I went upstairs and heard moaning. I KNOW THESE PEOPLE AINT BREAK IN MY DAMN HOUSE, EAT MY FOOD, AND ARE HAVING SEX IN MY NEW FUCKING SILK ASS SHEETS! I busted down the door and immediately began shooting. I shot that hoe too. I went around the rest of the house and it was clear. I went back into my bedroom to see who it was that broke into my house. I rolled the bodies over and I couldn't believe my eyes...

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