It's Not Over

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Tasha's POV

I've been watching Jasmine and Jude. She thinks I forgot about her taking MY man. But it's FAR from over. I wonder if they found out I'm the reason she lost her baby. Yeah, I shot up his bitch ass grandmother's funeral after he dissed me in school years ago. 

Petty? Me? Haha, never. I just don't let unfinished business stay unfinished. I finish EVERYTHING I start. And I ain't gone stop until that bitch DEAD and Trae is MINES. 

Kaneisha's POV

I've been having bad cramps in my stomach lately and I was bleeding the next morning after I woke up from Carmelo beating me because he heard Trae. I need to get out of this house but I've tried and he said if I tried again he'd kill me. I got out of bed and slipped my shoes on, put my robe on, went into the bathroom turned on the shower and stepped inside, and let the water beat down on my skin to wash away the filthy feeling I had. 

I got out of the shower and looked into the mirror. I had a swollen, split lip. A black eye that was turning puffy and it had puss oozing out a little and it was starting to turn purple from I'm guessing infection. My nose looked lopsided because he broke it and I had scratches and bruises all across my neck from when he was rapping me repeatedly last night. 

I wiped my tears from my eyes as I prayed that God helped me get out of this disruption and situation and to send me a sign. Right on cue, my phone began to ring and it read "Best Friend Jazzy" I answered the phone. 

"Hello, babe, what you doing want to go grocery shop with me and have a girls night in since Trae said I'm still on bed rest even though doctors said I was fine."

I started laughing and agreed and she hung up. How am I going to get out of the house though? Mel's still here. I texted her and told her to come to pick me up. That was the only way or else I would never get out of here. Mel came into the room and apologized to me. I just shook my head and kissed him like it would be the last time because it was. After he went to take a nap in his den I started packing up clothes and dropping my bags out the window that led to the driveway so he couldn't see me hauling bags. I put all my other small shit in my purse and Jasmine called I ran down the stairs and out the door and she saw my face. 

"Yo, what the fuck happened to your face Kaka? Did he do this to you?" She said unstrapping her seatbelt heading towards the door. 

"Jasmine please help me get my bags before he sees me. I'll explain later." She started putting my shit in the trunk as she was doing so Carmelo came outside looking angry.

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