Being With A Thug: Part Two

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Jasmine's POV

        We pulled up to Trae's house and it was extravagant and beautiful. I wondered how a 18-year-old could afford such a place. Then I thought about it and I felt dumb.

        "Nice house," I said looking at Trae.

        "Aw, this old thing?" He said in return smirking.

        I punched him in the arm then got out of the car. There were guard dogs, guards, and waiters, and maids, he had everything that I wouldn't expect him to have. Trae grabbed my hand and led me to the front room doors that were massive in size.

        "Oh, My, GOD!" I whispered under my breath, he must have heard me because he started laughing and told me to have a seat and turn to any channel I desired to watch. So I turned to MTV and started watching Teen Wolf. Tyler Posey was just so damn fine. Dylan OBrien was too. But I was team Posey hands down.

        "How's the show?" Trae said out of nowhere making me jump. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

        He handed me a bottle of Snapple and sat down beside me. After Teen Wolf went off, he wanted to see if I wanted to watch a movie but it was time for me to leave by then. But since I didn't eat, he called my dad I asked if I could spend the night and I expected my dad to say no but he said yes. I was surprised.

Trae's POV

        I called Jazzy's dad to tell him that she was safe and was spending the night at my house, but it's not because I wanted to get in her pants, although that would be a plus, I just wanted to spend time with her alone with no time limits.

        I decided to put on a scary movie so I could get her closer to me, we began to watch Insidious 2 and she just kept continuing to act normal. I didn't understand usually this movie makes females jump but she was just yelling and hollering and calling the people in the movie dumb and stupid.

        I eventually got tired of watching it and turned it off just in time because my maid, Ms. Lopez, said that dinner was done. I decided to have her eat in the personal dining room instead of the massive dining room. It's where I always eat and where I wanted my future wife to eat too.

        "How's the food?"

        "Delicious, the cooks you have sure did stick their foot in this."

        "Then I should have their heads cut off!"

        "Wait for what? No! It was just a figure of speech."       

        "YO, chill ma, it was just a joke."

        "Well, it is not funny Trae."

        She looked at me with the cutest pout ever. So I picked her up out of the chair and she bit me making me sit her down and she took off around the house. We played Hide and Seek, Catch me if you can, and Hide and go get it. Except the only thing I got was some hugs and kisses. It's cool though. I enjoyed it.

Jasmine's POV

        After me and Trae got done playing he lead me up to the guest bedroom, he had 18 rooms, each equipped with their own personal bathrooms, and he had a swimming room, an arcade, a movie theatre that seats 1,000 people, and a personal gym, a studio, a locked room, and a mystery room.

        "Why do you need all these rooms Trae? I mean your the only one who lives here."

        "Well, it's also a place when my homies need a place to stay too, as you can see some of these rooms have name tags on them."

        "Isn't that sweet."

        I regreted saying that though because he threw me on the bed and started tickling me, I had to pee so I told him to stop. I went to the restroom and it was beautiful then I noticed towels with my name engraved in them. I couldn't believe he was doing all this for me.




        "Can I maybe, sleep in your room?"


        "No funny business."

        His room was the biggest one, and his bed was huge, I laid on it and it was the softest bed I have ever laid upon. I thought I was laying on clouds of air. I asked him if he had something I could sleep in and he gave me a large tee shirt.

        We cuddled up in the bed and went to sleep. He didn't even try to do anything. He didn't even ask. And it made me happy.

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