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Trae's POV

"Hey, can we talk?"

Jasmine looked up and mugged the fuck out of me.

"Why the fuck are you here? I don't want to see you!"

"Jasmine, please, just hear me out. Just 5 minutes then if you still want me to leave I will."

She looked at me like yeah I still want you to leave.

"Jasmine, look. I never knew you even had a brother. But those letters you found. Those weren't the names of the people I killed. Jude did. When we were younger I and Jude used to be on some hot head shit. And we saw a kid who was our age or a little older. We just wanted to scare him so Jude took out the gun. Only I didn't know it was loaded. And the kid wasn't even scared at all so Jude kept getting too hype. And the kid rushed at Jude. And before I knew it he pulled the trigger and Jude took off. And I stood there. And I heard Jude yelling for me to come on so I ran too."

Jasmine looked at me. Then wiped her tears. And she raised an eyebrow so I kept talking.

"The only person I've murdered was my father when I was fifteen years old. He shot my mother in front of me when I was 2. And my other mother, Jude's mom told me she ran away to make me feel better. Then later on when I got older I asked her about my mom again and she told me the truth. I ran into my dad and I killed him. Like he did my mother."

Jasmine's whole facial expression changed as she got up and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry. I thought you killed my brother and I hated you. And I'm sorry for what happened to your mother. Both of them."

My phone started ringing so I answered it.


?? "............."

"What happened?"

?? "............"

I dropped my phone and my whole world fell into pieces. I stormed out of Jasmine's room and she yelled behind me.

Jasmine's POV

"TRAE! What happened?"

"They shot Jude while he was in his car. They killed my brother."

I ran after him but he already sped off down the street.

I called his phone but I forgot he dropped it in my room. I had to find him.

"Dad, if you would have seen his eyes. I know he going to go do something stupid."

I put on my shoes and headed to my car.

Trae's POV

I felt like killing somebody, anybody. I spat out orders to everyone and told them to find who killed my brother and bring them to me.

"We're going to find him, boss." Naeshun my handler said.

I left the den and went to the bar and I drunk until I was numb. When I left the bar and got to my car I saw Jasmine standing beside it.

"How'd you know I was here?" I slurred

"Because I'd be here too if I were you."

I broke down in her arms as she told me it was okay. She helped me into the car and took my keys.

"I can drive my own car."

"No, you can't!"

She took off down the street. We made it home in 10 minutes and our house was 40 minutes away.

Jasmine's POV

We got home and I helped him up the stairs and into the shower. I got in with him to make sure he didn't have an accident. I washed him up as he slid down the wall and cried. I got out and turned off the hot water and let the cold water hit him. Usually, he'd curse and laugh. But he just sat there. Emotionless. And I could see nothing but black in his eyes as he stared off in the distance.

I turned off the water and helped him to the bed. I went to the closet to get his clothes but he was gone when I turned around. I went around the house looking for him and I found him where the locked room was except it wasn't locked anymore.

It was pictures of his brother, him, his mothers. And his dad I was assuming. He didn't notice I was there or did but didn't acknowledge me as he kept talking.

Trae's POV

"Wassup bro? Is mama happy to see you? Tell her I said hello. Remember when we promised to protect each other? I'm so sorry I let you down bro. If only I was there."

Jasmine's POV

Trae kept repeating the last part over and over.

"Baby, it's not your fault." No matter what I did or how much I tried to get him to see I was there for him he wasn't there. He wasn't himself at all.

I left him alone. And I went into the bedroom. I didn't know what to do or what to say to make him feel better.

I went back to check on him and he was asleep holding a picture of his mother and him and Jude. I went into one of the guest rooms and got a blanket and laid beside him and held him. But he moved over.

"I'm sorry Trae, I love you."

I left him alone and got in the bed. I heard whimpers as I left the room.

Trae The ThugWhere stories live. Discover now