"The Letter"

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Jasmine 's POV

We arrived at the grocery store and was buying every snack you could possibly think of since Trae had me on bed rest even though the doctor said I was fine and could move around.

I had just got done putting Cinnamon Toast Crunch in the basket when someone tapped me on the shoulder. He was broad shouldered, tall, handsome, and from the look of his clothes, he was a dealer. I raised my eyebrow and said, with as much attitude as possible, "why are you touching me?"

He chuckled. "My bad ma, I just thought you looked good from behind and had to see if the front was up to par too." I punched him square in his face. "Does that count?" I asked as he held his nose about to hit me back. That's when Kaykay came up to me and asked if I was coo. I said yeah and looked back to see the unknown nigga smirking at me and winking. I mugged him fiercely and kept walking. After paying almost $1000 dollars in snacks and cereals and drinks me and Kay headed home to "talk" about the little "big" situation she thought I left alone.

We arrived at the house and we carried all the bags in the house putting the ice cream in my mini fridge in me and Trae's room so it wouldn't melt and the milk so it wouldn't spoil. I turned on Netflix and we decided to watch all scary movies tonight.

I kept glancing over at Kay to see her quiet and thinking I know she felt me staring because she finally sat up. Paused the movie and turned the light back on. Time to talk I guess.

Kaneisha's [KAYKAY/KAY] POV

Jasmine was staring holes in my face so I decided to just pause the movie, turn on the light, and tell her EVERYTHING even about the pregnancy.

I was quiet for awhile and she waited patiently giving me time to say what I had to say.

"Look, I know your my best friend and that you'd always be there for me. I don't want you to interrupt on ANYTHING. And I mean ANYTHING I say to you. I want you to listen and HEAR me out and then you can say whatever it is you want to say. Okay?"

She nodded her head and zipped her lips and handed me the key. I smiled and she muffled a small laugh then her face turned serious. But she asked for the key I gave it to her and she said. "It's okay. Take your time." Then repeated the zipping and locking process again and handed me the key for the last time.

"Okay, well, it all started a little bit after the time we saw each other last. I was in the mall walking around trying to find some clothes for an interview I had for Forever 21. I was just coming out of Shi with my heels I bought when I bumped into somebody. I thought he was fine and he thought I was too. So I told him to give me his number and id hit him up if I wanted to. We both laughed and he bent down and whispered in my ear that he'd talk to me later. I tried to hold back my smile from how arrogant he was and kept walking. Later that night I called him and he said I told you so. We talked and saw each other every day after that phone call. I felt like he was everything that I was looking for. He never showed signs of being..." I choked up a little and Jasmine grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

I continued.

"He.. never showed signs of being an abuser or rapist." Jasmine clenched her teeth and I knew she was trying her hardest not to say anything. I continued once more.

"I was in love with him and after 5 months he asked me to be his girl and I was excited and happy and I felt like nothing could tear us apart. After a while he stopped trying to keep me since he figured he had me... I tried everything to keep his attention and I mean EVERYTHING. I even had a threesome with some random stripper and got crabs from her and he got it too. But he blamed it on me. That was the first time he... umm.. y'know. Put his hands on me. I knew he was just mad and that he wouldn't do it again so I let it go and forgave him. He even bought me presents and told me he loved me for the first time. And I couldn't refuse him because I loved him too."

Jasmine had tears welled up in her eyes and I stared off into space a little and I didn't notice I was crying until she wiped my face. I returned the favor. And finished talking.

"He didn't hit me again for a while. Then he became distant, started coming in the house later and later. And didn't acknowledge my presence unless I asked if he was hungry. Eventually, he wouldn't come home for weeks and weeks at a time. I thought he was in some kind of trouble. So I followed him one night and I saw him pull up to a tan house and a girl barely clothed answered the door and he kissed her and a little girl came out the house and I rolled my window down and heard the little girl say daddy, I missed you. I was hurt, confused, and angry. I wanted to shoot him in his shit. I drove home mad as hell and sat in the kitchen writing him a note telling him I was leaving when he came in the house looking high. He came over and tried to kiss me but I moved. He asked me what was wrong and I told him what I saw and he looked angry. And he asked why I followed him. I was about to explain myself but i changed my mind and went off on him. And he hit me. But this time, he didn't stop. He kept on hitting me repeatedly. When he stopped he kissed me and apologized and told me to go clean myself up. I did as told. After a while I when I didn't want to have sex he started forcing me. Later on a few weeks later, I found out I was pregnant. And then I lost the baby, and now we're here."

I gave Jasmine the key back, and she unzipped her lips but didn't say anything. I put my head down. She stood up and walked in the bathroom. I started sobbing uncontrollably. She came back out with all black on and some timbs and told me to come on as she went in the closet and got something out. I didn't see what it was. But I think I knew. I asked where we were going and she didn't reply.

Jasmine's POV
After what KayKay just said to me I was fuming. I went in the bathroom change my clothes then went into the closet and grabbed the handgun Trae bought for emergency.

I told Kaneisha to come on and she asked where we were going. I didn't reply and we got in the car and I drove to this nigga house. He was about to see how it felt to be taking advantage of. Beat and killed. And I wasn't going to care how Kaneisha felt. She was going to help. And she was going to enjoy it.

We arrived at his place and his windows were bursts and gun holes ran up and down the bricks on his house. I knew it was Trae and his boys who did this but I doubt try killed him so I went inside to find him and finish it myself. We went inside and we were too late. We found a note intended for Kaneisha and saw him hanging.

Kaneisha's POV

I grabbed the letter out of Jasmine head and read it.

Dear Kaneisha,
I know that I've hurt you and you're mad at me for doing what I've done to you. I'm sorry we had to end the way we did. I hope that you find someone who treats you better than me. I know you were pregnant and I'm sorry about the miscarriage and about having a daughter already and cheating on you. I love you so much. But this is it. I can't take the pain of knowing I hurt you anymore. Take care.
Your Love.

I broke down crying. Did this really just happen. I can't believe this. I know he done wrong but I never wanted him to be killed or to kill himself. I looked at Jasmine and she looked shocked. I slapped her as hard as I could and told her it was all her fault and left. I was never going to talk to her again. I was going to repay her in the worst way possible. Just wait.

This is it. I'm starting the sequel now :)

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