My Brother's Killer

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Trae's POV

I rolled the bodies over and couldn't believe my eyes... Jude? Did I kill Jude? I flipped the girl over and saw Jude's on-again, off-again girlfriend Desirae. What have I done? I slid down the wall with my strap in my hand and I felt like it was burning holes through my skin and eroding my bones. The pain burned and seared my soul leaving a permanent scar.... [Picture of Jude in Media Box, Press Play on Video]

I woke up in a cold sweat... That dream felt a little too real. I got up scanning my room for anything out of place, I went to the kitchen, Nothing. I went to the basement. Nothing. Damn, I was tripping: hard.

The hospital called and said they were letting Jasmine out early and I called Kaneisha informing her of what was going on, and she told me to pick her up because she hadn't seen her and she was worried. I called Jasmine's aunt to make sure she was okay, and they informed me that she passed 15 minutes after she arrived at the hospital due to cardiac arrest. I didn't know how I was going to explain this to Jasmine, and what caused her panic. Especially, since the doctor said no stress could be put on her or it would cause another coma that could be fatal.
I decided against my better judgment and to wait until she was completely better to tell her; even though I knew it would be hell for me when I do for keeping it from her. But oh well, her life is more important to me anyway, not to sound ignorant or selfish or inconsiderate. I picked Kaneisha up and we headed to the hospital in silence. 

We arrived at the hospital in 15 minutes. I hopped out the car, and went inside and signed her release papers, as she did the same. They put her in a wheelchair as she smiled hard her cheeks were about to be where her ears were supposed to be. And all I could think about was how that was going to turn into a frown and eventually tears once she found out about her aunt.

Trae The ThugWhere stories live. Discover now