If You Love Me

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Jasmine's POV

It's been three months since Jude's funeral and Trae still hasn't came around. He's taking care of himself but he's not really talking to me. Or anyone.

"Baby, breakfast is ready!"

Trae came downstairs and he haven't shaved in months. He looked just like his father. And it was scary.

"Thanks, but I'm not hungry."

"Trae, come on baby I know you're still hurting but I need you to eat something please?"

He picked up his fork and started eating. My phone started ringing so I answered it.


?? "........."

"Are you serious? What the fuck man!"

?? "........."

"I guess deaths really do come in threes."

Trae turned around and looked at me. I ran upstairs and cried as I turned to the news.


"Early this morning there was a wreck that occurred and 47 year old Robert Washington along with an 19 year old Christian Washington."

Jasmine's POV

Wait what? Did they just saw Christian, but he's... he was shot by Jude. That's not possible. And my dad knew he was alive?

I saw Trae standing in the door and he looked just as shocked as I was. He came up to me and hugged me and I cried. Why was GOD taking everybody away from me?

The next day, I woke up feeling like I had a bad dream and I was just dreaming of the previous events. I called my dad's phone and I got the voicemail. He never sent me to voicemail. Never. I told Tre to take me to my dad's house and we did.

"Daddy, I'm home!" I heard a woman upstairs so I thought like maybe he didn't answer because he was being grown. I went upstairs to see my aunt packing up his things.

"What are you doing with my dads things?"

"Sweetie, he's dead, we have to do something with them."

"He's not dead!" I said as I walked downstairs towards his office.

"Daddy, come on this isn't funny anymore."



Dead silence.

It was true, my daddy was dead. And I wasn't dreaming anymore. It was all true.

"Did you know?"

"Know what sweetie?"

"About Christian.... did you know he was alive?"

"Jasmine, listen.."

"So you knew?"

I hated everyone. They knew my brother was alive and they didn't tell me. Now he's really dead. And I didn't get to see him.

Trae The ThugWhere stories live. Discover now