Who Shot Ya?

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Trae's POV

I was depressed not being able to talk to my wife. We've been through so much. I haven't been doing anything but trying to find who shot my baby and sleeping at the hospital and talking to her every day all day until visiting hours were up. Little did they know I just hid in the bathroom until they left out the room for the night then laid next to her and fell asleep.

[Trap House]

I was sitting down smoking a blunt and making phone calls when one of my guys came in the room bloody ass hell.

What the fuck happened to you? I yelled.

"I was jumped by another gang."

What the fuck you mean you were jumped? Where's Tracy?

"That's the thing boss Tracy was with them. He said that he killed your brother Jude and he shot your girl boss. And he said you better watch your old ass aunt cause he was coming after her too."

I immediately got up and called my aunt as I headed out the door and headed to her house. Tracy? What the fuck have I done to him? I was so pissed off I made it to my aunt house in 15 minutes and it was a 30 minute drive I was about to knock on the door when I saw the door frame was busted. I took out my gun and pushed the door open ready. I saw my aunt on the floor coughing and trying to reach for the phone.

I ran to her side and called the ambulance as I told my aunt in law she was going to be ok. I put my gun back up when I heard the sirens coming down the street. I lifted her up and started carrying her outside. They took her away in the ambulance as I got in my car and headed to Tracy's house where his baby mama and kid was. I was going to kill his family like he did mines.

Trae The ThugWhere stories live. Discover now