Plan A

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"Here's the plan! You bitches are going to stake out all around the town and try to find out who these niggas are without being suspicious and I'm telling you niggas this now. If I find out any of you are trying to take me out your family, babies, cousins, moms, dads, grandpas and grandmas and anybody else yall fuck with gone die by my hand."

I looked around and searched everyone's face and everybody was looking calm except my main nigga he was sweating and avoiding eye contact. I dismissed everybody except my top gunners and my "main" and told them to sit him down.

Before I could say anything he started spilling about why he did it and how our rival gang said they were going to kill his mama and his baby mama. I didn't give a fuck though. I got all the information I needed out of him and I made my gunman shoot him in the head and body and cut his head off and I old them to hang it outside my door so everyone could know I wasn't playing. One of the bitches doubling the cocaine started throwing up. I told them to get her cleaned up and kill her too.

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