Till' Death Do Us Part

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  • Dedicated to Reashawn




Trae's POV

"Is everything ready and set up?"

?? "........."

"Alright, when she get ready we'll be there, and yes we're doing it today. Is everyone there?"

?? "......."

"Okay, well thanks again. Bye."

I ran upstairs in my tuxedo to make sure that Jasmine was ready to go.

"Baby, come on we got to go, we already 40 minutes late, you look fine."

"Boy, don't rush perfection." she said looking at herself in the mirror and finishing flat ironing her weave.

"Alright, with yo unbeweavable ass. Let's go."

"Fuck you nigga."

We got in the limo and I blindfolded her so she didn't know where I was taking her.

Jasmine's POV

"Are we there yet baby?"

"Almost little bit."

"Ha ha real funny giraffe."

"I bit her neck and she squeeled, you lucky I can't see you motherfuckaaaaa."

The car stopped and Trae helped me out the car. Right this way sir. I heard a lady say.

"Take your blind fold off baby."

I was in shock. My whole family was here. Except my dad and brother of course. And all of Trae's family was here. Except for his mother's and brother.

"What's going on?"

Out of nowhere I saw Jagged Edge come out on stage and start singing Happy Birthday to me.

"Oh my god, babyyyyyy you didn't!!!" I think I squeezed the life out of him.

"Baby, calm down. I can't breathe."

I let go and Trae took me to the dance floor, then they started singing "Let's Get Married." All of a sudden everyone gathered around and Trae guided me on the stage. He got down on one knee and before he could say it I said yes.

"Yes what? I was just gone ask you if you would go to Disney World with me."

"Oh." Everyone started laughing and Trae looked at me.

"Jasmine Lashay Washington, you're the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on. I want to wake up to you and go to sleep next to you for the rest of my life. You are amazing and you've been rocking with me since day one. I know we fuss and fight about a lot of bullshit, but you're still here. And I love you. I am in love with you. So I'm asking you, right here and right now, in front of all of our friends and family. Will you marry me?"

"Yes, I'll marry you."

Trae's POV

I got up and hugged her.

"Let's get married now, everybody is here already."

"I don't have a dress and I don't want to get married in a club."

"Who said you didn't have a dress? And who said we were getting married here?"

"Trae, what did you do?"

Trae The ThugWhere stories live. Discover now