Being With A Thug: Part One

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Jasmine's POV

        The next day at school, everybody kept staring at me and whispering. Then out if nowhere Trisha came up to me and pushed me into a locker.

        I've been taught a lot of things, and one of them was if someone put their hands on you, you have the right to beat their ass. And I did! all these four years of insults and abuse came out in nuggets and boils on her face and head.

        I heard Trae and the principle breaking us up. Trisha was just screaming at Monica calling her a scary bitch, but in my opinion, she was a smart one. Because I would have beat her ass too.

        After witnesses testified on my behalf saying she started the fight she got ten days and I got a warning and early morning detention for a week. And she promised not to call my father because he would have killed me.

        At lunch detention, Trae came in because he was throwing food, he sat next to me and told me he did it on purpose to be next to me. I laughed.

        "Why would you do that?"

        "We the new Bonnie & Clyde you didn't hear?"

        I started laughing and Mr. Roberts told me to quiet down before he separated us. Trae looked at me and winked and told me to text my dad and tell him I was having dinner at his place, so I did.

        When school let out I didn't even see Trae's car so I began walking home, and then I noticed a car trailing me but I didn't turn around to see who it was. Then the light to cross the street turned red. I screamed in the back of my head. But it was just Trae.

        "You scared the mess out of me!" I said getting in his car. "Sorry, just thought I'd see what type of female you were." And he was about to find out.

Trae's POV

        Jasmine leaned over and slapped. I was shocked. I thought she was going to kiss me or something. Then she started laughing talking about that's what you get for scaring me. Then she leaned over and kissed me and I forgot about her slapping me.

        Her lips felt like silk and velvet against my lips and I didn't want this moment to end but the blaring of horns from behind us broke it. We both started laughing and I screeched off down the streets.

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