Short Poem 2

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You decode my self-portrait with your views and criminal accusations. You see the bad, the evil, and the rudeness. That I show because of my anger and need for self preservation. You may not understand my struggles and my journey. Whispering amongst each other. But I hear. I hear the bitterness behind every insult and jealous reckoned blows. My insides turns from the whirlpool of unknown. Unknown because I don't know Why you hate me. Is it because my hair doesn't flow like the waves of an ocean. My skin isn't pure like that of the heavens. My heart is battered and scarred. They say words shouldn't hurt but they hurt the worst. They abuse and misuse you. They can make you feel pretty, ugly, or disgusted. That's the devils tongue that woos you. He comes with big arms, a pretty face, and fancy clothes. The ones whose voices are deep with bass and confidence. Building you up.. only for them to tell you that you ain't sh*t. So, you go around telling other people how bitter you are. Throwing shade left and right like nothing's wrong. But I see you. That's not who you are. Come on black people, the war isn't lost. Don't let the devil take over. Making you kill your brothers, your sisters, and grandchildren. Going around gloating about the murders you committed. Thinking you got the juice. It's not you. The devil is molding you into evils perfection, promising you protection. But can't no one protect you from you. You get down on your knees and say I'm gone pray. No way. Why should you? Cause in your mind God doesn't exist. Cause if he did, well, Why is he allowing all this? God is a merciful God. But he took my brother, and mother with a .9. That's not no God of mines. My God doesn't allow murders and sorrow. Stop. Stop with the false assumptions and brutality. Things happen for a reason. It's life. All you do each day is just roll the dice. Sometimes you land on go straight to jail, or move back one. But that don't mean that God's plans for you are done. Jail is like the corner your put in for timeout. It gives you time to breakdown and realize Where you went wrong at. God is always there. But Why can I not see him. You see him every time you look in the mirror. When you look at your family, and friends. We. We as a people is he. We're created in his image. But somehow we still kill one another like it's all fun and games. Until someone you killed, family gets mad and shoots back. Then black is labeled ignorant and ruthless. Black. A color or darkness. But isn't darkness just the absence of light? So just step forward and let your future shine. Saggin, acting a certain type of way. Niggas. Black people who are dictatorial and supercilious. Come on niggas. That's the only way you'll listen if I talk to you like this? You are more than just a color, a statistic. Rise above the bad times, and unlucky incidents. Young men, you are a black Kings. Young ladies, you are black Queens. So act as such. Don't be just another criminal on the devil's prison bus.

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