Definition of a Thug

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  • Dedicated to James Stanley

Trae's POV

If you asked many people what they thought a "thug" was, they'd probably say something on the lines of "A thug is a cruel, vicious ruffian, a robber, drug dealer, or a murderer." But in my eyes, being a thug means a hustler, someone who gets money, by any means necessary.

My name is Vincent Trae Carter Jr. but everybody calls me Trae for short. I like to think of myself like everybody else, I'm not the one for the limelight, although that doesn't seem to matter because every female, thot, and they mama be on my dick. But I don't fuck them all.

It's only one girl that doesn't pay attention to me at all or even notice me, and for some reason I like it. At least I know there are girls out there that like a person for who they are and not for what I got or what I wear or which ride I decide to drive that day. Her name is Jasmine, she bad. She about 5'6, thick as fuck, has smooth dark caramel skin, nice to everybody, and she got the cutest little style and smile.

If I had to choose one girl to wife, it'll be Jasmine, cause I don't ever see her at parties, she smart as fuck, and she got a good head on her shoulders, and she shy. That shit right there is fucking adorable as shit my nigga.

At lunch, I saw her getting her food, and my ex, Trisha, and her crew started talking shit, but it didn't faze Jazzy, cause she kept smiling and going on about her business. But I know it was pissing Trisha off because she kept getting louder and everybody, including the homies, started laughing. But I gave them the look, and everybody knows not to fuck with me when I put my look on.

I went up to Trisha and told her to shut her loud mouth ass up, she got upset and started talking bullshit, talking about, "Baby, why you always ruining the fun? I mean look at the bitch, she ain't got nothing on me. With her ugly ass." I chuckled, "She must not be all that ugly, you always got something to say about her, and she always on your mind cause she all you ever talk about, she must have something you don't." When I said that she got hella quiet and everybody in the cafeteria started laughing hella loud.

I could see Jazzy looking over at me from the back of the lunchroom, she smiled, I turned around cause my homeboy Jude, called my name, when I turned back around, she was gone.

Jasmine's [Jazzy] POV

It felt good to know that my crush since kindergarten had my back. Although I know that he was probably in on the joke. But I'm not so sure, he's different, although he's a "thug," he is nice and kind. And cute as fuck! He's about 6'4, light-skinned, has an 8 pack with that beloved v shape at the rim, and I only know this because we had gym together, he can dress his ass off, he has lightish dark brown eyes like me, and a smile to die for.

I was in the last period with my best friend Kaneisha when the school had a fire drill, except it wasn't a drill because later on that week after the school got repaired, word got around and an after that a few kids were expelled for setting the school on fire.

My girl and I decided to stay at her place for the weekend since we both stay over each other house every other weekend. It was her turn this week. We don't do anything but talk about school, tv, and guys and play video games all day and night. I mean don't all girls?

"Girl, did you see the way Trae stood up to "Fishy Trishy," for you?" I started laughing, Kaneisha can't stand Trisha, and she always hated her.

"Yeah, but for some reason, It felt weird for me, he nice and all, but why would he stand up for me out of all people?" I said with a quizzical look on my face.

"Child, I don't know! Maybe he low-key had a crush on you, and he trying to show it." We both looked at each other like yeah right.

Trisha's POV

"Can y'all believe him, taking up for that ol' dusty ass bitch? He lucky I didn't put his shit on blast!"

"Girl bye, you know damn well you weren't gone put shit on blast, you still in love with him, you just mad cause he dumped you at the prom our Junior year," Monica said.

"Bitch shut the fuck up, it's coo, cause that bitch got it coming on Monday."

"What you mean, Trisha?"

"You'll see! Just have my follow-up!"

Saturday Night: 7:00pm thru 12:00am

Trae's POV

"Man, those bitches were something fire, literally! Them hoes was on one tonight, with the OC asses, let's go y'all, we out this bitch."

Man that party was lame as fuck, everybody was fucking wall-hugging, and it was nothing but hoes in the joint, and like usual, Jasmine wasn't their damn man, why can't I get this girl off my mind? Shit, she got a nigga hooked and she didn't even give me none. And I bet she won't for a long time, she still a virgin, I can tell.

"Ay bruh, what the fuck you thinking about?" I heard Jude say.

"Nothing..." After I dropped everybody off at home I decided to go to the beach for the night, that's where I go to think, and the night is always beautiful at night. I was walking along the beach when I heard laughter, it was about 11:00 pm. Who was here this late at night?

I began walking around looking and I saw Jasmine and her friend, Kaneisha, I'm pretty sure that's her name anyway. I walked up to them.

"Wassup ladies?" Jasmine looked up and she looked beautiful, "Hey!" she said without jumping up and falling in my arms or trying to get with me. I liked that. "Wassup?" Kaneisha said. "What y'all doing out here this late at night by yourselves? "We not by ourselves, we have each other," Jasmine said.

"Aw, I see, well umm all right then, y'all be careful."

"You too!" they both said in unison. I just laughed and walked off.

Jasmine's POV

I wondered what he was doing, and what made him come out here this late at night, I told Kaneisha that I'd meet her back at home, she said girl I see what you trying to do, but it wasn't like that.

I ran to see if I could find Trae, and I did, he was in deep thought looking at the sky from a rock, I climbed and sat alongside him, he didn't seem to notice, he focused on thinking about something serious, I could tell by the clenched jaw, and his temple.

"You okay?" I must have startled him cause he looked at me sideways, I couldn't help but laugh. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," I said blushing slightly.

"Aw, umm naw, you good, and yeah I'm cool, I just come here to think that's all. Plus I like the view."

We both sat there quiet for five minutes Trae wasn't lying the view at the beach was amazing during this time. The sky's midnight blue was a kind of made-up blue, a blue you thought never existed. I could feel him looking at me, then he cleared his throat.

"Well, umm I should get going, I told Kaniesha that I'd meet her back at home, I don't want her worried about me."

"Oh yeah, okay, be careful."

"You too," I said as I walked away. I could tell he was still staring at me; it felt like he had something else to say but he didn't.

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