Ghost Of The Jungle

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In the Central American Jungle

Everything seemed to be at peace until a thief and some of the people who worked for him go to a village to raid it. A man walks out of a building, holding a woman firmly by her arm. "Monsters!" The woman yelled at him making the man chuckle as he threw her to the ground. "We appreciate the generous donation for the continued protection of your village. After all, the jungle can be a very dangerous place." He said to them making his man laugh while he takes the woman's necklace. "Moma!" A boy yelled as he was released from another man's grip. The boy used over to his mom and hugs her making his mom pat his back comfortingly. The thugs get into their vehicles and drove away still laughing as they drive into the jungle.

They drive along in their jeep filled with the stuff they had just stolen from the village. The lowlife bit into the gold necklace to see if it was real and chuckled to know how much he could get for it. Suddenly, they came to a stop and he slapped the driver upside the head. "Idiot, watch where you're going." He insulted his driver. "There's a log on the road senor." The driver said while pointing ahead and they looked to see a huge tree laid out in front of them. "Well, if you're not too busy, remove it!" The thief said to them commanding and then muttering something. One of his men went with a line from the front of the truck to tie it around the tree. But he was flung over the tree making the driver reply in Spanish in shock. Another one of the thief's workers reloads his gun but then he fell into a trap and was lifted into the tree. "Who are you? Show yourself!" The thief yelled into the jungle. "It's the ghost of the jungle. He punishes those who prey upon the weak. He's coming." The driver explained very fearfully. The two continued to look around and the driver squeaked in fear when he saw the person who had the gun drop down to the ground unconscious. "I just remembered I left the stove on. My wife, she hates that!" The driver screamed and ran away. "Coward, Get back here!" The thief yelled commanding him. "You're on your own, Jefe!" The driver yelled as he continued to run away. Jefe jumps out of the jeep after all his teammates were down or run away. "Show yourself!" Jefe yelled while swinging his machete out. "Do you realize who you're dealing with?!" Jefe yelled as he looks around in fear and anger not knowing what he would find. Suddenly, a pair of eyes appeared behind him. "What is this..." Jefe questioned and he turns to see the pair of eyes making him scream. "What?!" Jefe yelled as he ran while slicing away the plants in front of him then fell down a hill. Once he recovered, he found his machete, got up, and stood defensively. "I am not afraid of a myth. I'm not afraid of a ghost." He yelled into the jungle. That's when a human-sized turtle with a blue mask landed in front of him. the thief gaped in shock and fear as the turtle drew one of his katanas. "What are you?" Jefe said winding out loud. The two charged at each other, but what came next was the thief's scream that no one but the turtle himself could hear.

The beat-up Jeep rolled into the village with the stolen goods. The woman who had been thrown to the ground earlier gasped when she saw no one in the seats. "It's a miracle." She said as the boy noticed something on the ground, it was the stolen necklace. The boy picked it up and looked around until he saw a hooded figure up in one of the trees. "The Ghost of the Jungle." He whispered then he blinked and the figure was gone.

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