Brothers Put To The Test

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Later That Night

Raph and Jamey were on a rooftop where Jamey was wearing a black body suit and wearing a helmet like Raph's. 

Attention, all on-duty officers: Report of a disturbance on 32nd. No units available.

The two hear an Officer say on the line. "They're playing my song." Raph said to himself making Jamey look at him. "I mean our song." Raph said to her smiling under his helmet.

Later the two arrive at the cafe, where they hear the cafe babbling and gasping for air as he repeatedly presses the button as Raph and Jamey walk into the building. "Don't get up." Jamey said to him while Raph cracks his knuckles. "We'll serve myself." Raph said to him as the two walk into the kitchen.

The two see a mess in the freezer the two walk over to it to see a small red monster chewing on a frozen chicken leg. "Look at you. Ain't you cute? You want a butt-kicking, little fella? Yes, you do. You do. Come on, I'm gonna drop-kick you to hurty town. Come on, little guy." Raph said to it as if it was a dog while Raph kneels down with his hand  too close. "Raph, don't get to close." Jamey said to him. "Come on, babe. What can this thing going to do?" Raph asks her then monster bites Raph's finger making Raph yell in pain. "That's for one." Jamey said to him as she watch Raph try to get it off. "I see your point! Get off of me, you little lobster!" Raph yelled as he struggles to get the monster off. The monster wrap it's tail around Raph's helmet and then it kept banging the fridge door on his helmet. "You're scratching the helmet!" Raph yells before he fells on his back while holding the monster in the air with his two hands. Jamey runs over to them and she kicks the monster out of Raph's hands and it flies out the door. "Okay, that was different." Raph said to Jamey who looks at him. "Ya think?" Jamey said to him sarcastically then the monster jumps back in and it lands on Jamey's helmet. It starts pounding it's fist on the helmet's visor, then it bangs it's head on it next. Then it starts to lick the helmet a little bit before causing Jesse to fall on her back onto the kitchen counter. The monster threw her where the sink was and he starts dunking her head into the sink. "Hey, this thing ain't rustproof!" Jamey yells as the monster keeps dunking her head. "Get off of her!" Raph yelled then he hits the monster off her, the monster then trips the both of them with it's tail making the two fall on their backs. "Ow." Jamey said to herself then the monster jumps on her and it starts hitting her helmet again. "Get off her!" Raph yelled and he gives the monster a hard punch sending it flying off Jamey. It lands on the fridge that fells on it. The two hear a it yell in pain then nothing while Jamey and Raph arm themselves with pans then the monster pops out through the fridge and runs towards them. "Come on. show us what you got." Jamey said to it as the two bang their weapons together. The monster craws over to them, Raph tires to hit it with the pan but miss. Jamey sees it go behind Raph and she hits it as hard as she can in it's face causing it to go dazed a little. The monster's tongue sticks out and Raph hits it causing the monster to slide back on the floor and it growls at them. Jamey and Raph glare at it while Raph pulls out some smoke pellets. "How about a snack, little fella?" Raph asks it making the monster charge at them. "Catch!" Raph yelled then he throws it. The pellets flew into the monster's mouth and it swallowed them then smoke start billowing out of it's mouth and it starts running around screaming as it rans out of the building though the window. "Keep on running, you filthy little hermit crab. That spicy meatball's on the house." Raph said as he and Jamey leave the kitchen. "Please don't hurt me." The chef said to the two as he backs away. "What? we're not robbing you, We're helping you." Raph said to him. "Okay, whatever you say, sir. Please, I got kids in college. Community college." The chef said to Raph while Jamey picks up the register and she hands it to Rah. "Here you go, pal. Make sure this is safe." Raph said to him as he holds it out to the chef. "Take everything. I'm not even looking. Go." Chef said to him and he starts babble again. "Really, dude?" Jamey said to him. "Why is it everyone's got such a hard time believing we are the good guys?" Raph asks Jamey frustration making Jamey shrug. "We just saved your life." Raph said to the chef. "Maybe it's the outfits." Jamey said to him before Raph can answer her the two hear a clang. The two look at the register to see a throwing dart with a blue ribbon on it. The two look out of the broken window and the two see Leo and Jesse on the rooftop looking down at them. "This night just keeps getting better and better." Raph said to Jamey sarcastically. "No kidding." Jamey said to him. Raph then drops the tray and the two run out of the diner. 

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