The Plan To Save Leo

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At The Lair

Raph and Jamey enter the lair and Raph lays Jesse on the couch before the two walks to the dojo.

As the two walk to the dojo, Raph was feeling guilty and mad. The two see Master Splinter was doing some poses with his eyes closed as he breaths in and out slowly. Raph starts punching the wall a few times making Jamey look at him. Raph then pushes over a weapon stand making Splinter immediately stop what he was doing and he turns to them. "Raphael! What is the matter?" Splinter asks him. "We was out. We was out and I did- I did something. Something happened and then I- And I..." Raph said tries to talk before he stops and he pushes over a rack with weights. One of the weights rolls over to Splinter stopping right infront of him. "Raphael. Jamey. Kneel." Splinter said to the two with a stern look. Jamey takes Raph's hand and the two walk over to Splinter. "I did something. I did something really stupid, Master Splinter." Raph said to him as Raph and Jamey kneel before Master Splinter. "Go on." Splinter said to them. "I know why you chose him now. I know that there's a reason why he's the better son and I'm not." Raph said to him as Mikey and Tasneem hear in on them. "Raphael, you always bear the world's problems on your shoulders. It is an admirable quality when you are a protector of others." Splinter said to Raph as Cheyenne and Donnie listen in with the younger turtles. "But you must realize that while, at times, you may not be my favorite does not mean that you are my least-favorite son. You are strong, passionate and loyal to a fault. These are the merits of a great leader as well....but only when tempered with compassion and humility." Splinter said to him. "But, Master Splinter, I messed up big tonight. I mean big." Raph said to him as he unfolds the bundle to reveal Leo's katanas and he places it on the ground. "They took him." Raph said to him. "Leonardo." Splinter said to him making the others look at each other. "Yeah, Jesse was with Leo before he was taken but they didn't take her." Raph said to him. "Jesse is here safe." Jamey said to Splinter while Jesse walks over to the others. Splinter as very angry at the thought of their enemies having Leo but he closes his eyes and starts to breath in and out slowly to clam down. "Then the time for hiding is over. We must return to the surface to take back what is ours." Splinter said to the two as he opens his eyes. "By your wish, father." Raph said to him with a determined look as he bow his head making Splinter pats Raph's shoulder comfortingly.  

Raph turns to see the others as he and Jamey stand up as the others walk into the dojo. "It was my fault." Raph said to them. "I should have tell you guys that I'm the Nightwatcher or was. Jesse and Leo find out. We fought and when Leo find out that I was him he didn't take it that well. We fought and I won but I was shock at what I did and ran away." Raph said to them as Jamey places her hand on Raph's shoulder. "I and Jamey heard Leo scream and then saw the statues carrying Leo away." Raph said to them while looking down. "Raph." Jamey whisper to him making Raph look at Jesse who was looking at him mad. "And Jesse, I am sorry for punching you in the face and I am sorry about calling you Shredder's pet." Raph said to her making Jesse walk over to Raph with everyone watching her. Jesse stands infront of Raph who looks at her waiting for her to say something then Jesse punches Raph in the face making him fall to the floor. Everyone gasp when Jesse did that, Raph rubs his cheek as Jesse knees down to Raph. "Raph." Jesse calls him making Raph look at her. "You made a mistake." Jesse said to him as she places her hand on Raph's shoulder. "Everyone makes them everyday. We are not perfect. Yeah the fight wasn't necessary but it made you realize that you may not be able to stand Leo at times but you still want him here." Jesse said to him. "And I still want you here. You may be kinda like Leo but you are different very different and you are my family." Raph said to her making Jesse smile at him then she helps him up. "And I am not going anywhere." Jesse said to him making Raph smile at her. 

Later they family with Casey and April were gathered around. "Long have we been in hiding. Perhaps too long." Splinter said to everyone. "Well, what do we do now?" Mikey and Tasneem asks them at the same time. "I'll tell you what we're gonna do. We're gonna rescue Leo, and then we're gonna save New York City." Raph said to them. "Let get started." Jesse said to them making the group while Jesse looks over at Raph who gives her a nod.

At Winters Tower

The large dome at the top of the tower began to open. Inside the floor began to shift, revealing the large, circular, table stone structure. Hydraulics systems began pushing the table and canister cages up into positions. Inside one of the cages, Leo was sitting on the floor still unconscious from the dart.

Back At The Lair

The turtles and Splinter were getting ready to leave. Jesse walks into the dojo to grab two new katanas for Leo and she puts it on her back. "Jesse." Jesse hears someone making her turn to see Jamey walking over to her. "I'm sorry, about everything. When Raph called you that name, I didn't do enough to make him say sorry. You are my sister and I know how Shredder was to you." Jamey said to her making Jesse nod. "It's okay, I lean to move on from that now. And I am leader of this group, I have to lead by example." Jesse said to her. "And you doing a good job at it." The two hear Raph making Jamey and Jesse turn to see him. "Thank you, Raph." Jesse said to him. "Your welcome." Raph said to her with a smile. "Let's get a move on." Jesse said to them and the three run out of the dojo.

Later At Winters Tower

Karai and her Foot ninjas were walking through the courtyard. "As ordered, no one gets into the one interferes, no one bears witness." Karai said to them then she does a few hand motions making the Foot ran off.

Karai then hears a knock on the door making her walk over and opens it. "You've got to be kidding me." Karai said to herself where she sees Casey was wearing Mikey's Cowabunga Carl head. "Cowabunga, dude. I'm here for little Maxie's 13th birthday party." Casey said to her while his friends sneak in from over the wall of the gates. "Leave now." Karai said to him. "oh, but you don't understand, lady." Casey said to her then Tasneem wraps her manriki around Karai and she pulls her to the ground. "Hey, Karai." Karai hears someone making her look up to see the group.

Inside The Tower

Winters walks onto the balcony and he overlooks the table and cages. Deep in space the Stars of Kikan were aligning. The vortex came down and slams into the table which begins to move and shift. "At last. After 3,000 years, the time is finally at hand." Winters said as all the cages began moving to position but one started to sparking at the bottom the one that was holding Leo. "What-?" Winters said then he turns to his Generals. "What have you done?" Winters asks them making Agulia points at him. "Your time for giving orders is over." Agulia said to him. "You don't understand. I want to send these creatures undo the damage that was done so many years ago." Winters said to them trying to reason with them. "Time has done nothing but made you weak. We have our own plans." Agulia said to him. "Immortality is a curse, brother. Trust me, I've lived long enough to know We have to find that 13th monster. It's time to end it." Winter said to him. "No. our time is just beginning." Agulia said to him determined to see this through to the end.

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