The Problem At Hand

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The Next Night

Raph was in his Nightwatcher gear standing on a rooftop looking at the Winters' Tower in the distance. 

"Hello, Nightwatcher." Raph hears someone making him turn to see Jamey. "You don't need saving again this time." Raph said to her as Jamey walks over to him. "Were you watching over Winter's Tower?" Jamey asks him. "Yeah, I been watching over the Tower for some time now." Raph said to her while turning back to the building. "Interesting." Jamey said to herself. "What?" Raph said to her making Jamey look at him. "I have it interesting that you are keeping an eye on this building when my group is doing the same thing in a way." Jamey said to him making Raph nervous. "I have to go." Raph said to her and Raph walks away form. "Not so fast Raphael." Jamey said to him making Raph stop walking. "You really think you can keep this form me." Jamey said to him as she looks at Raph. "How did you find out?" Raph asks her while taking off his helmet. "The night you save me, I saw your sais and your fighting style." Jamey said to him as she walks over to him. "What are you doing out here, anyways?" Raph asks her. "Everyone is worried about you even Leo. I volunteered to look for you." Jamey said to him as she takes his hand. "They don't have to be worry about me." Raph said to her while holding her hand. "Let me help you, you don't have to do this alone." Jamey said to him making Raph smile at her. "Okay but you may need an outfit." Raph said to her. "Okay, sounds like a plan." Jamey said to him. "I'm sorry about what I said to you last night." Raph said to her making Jamey nod. "It's fine but there are two more you need to say sorry too." Jamey said to him making Raph nod a little. "Right." Raph said to her then Jamey kisses him gently. After the kiss, Raph holds Jamey close to him and the two stand there for a few minutes.

In Winters Tower

Winters was sitting in his office in front of a fire, he held up a glass of wine to a suit that was mounted on the wall. "To picking up the pieces." Winters said before he senses someone behind him making him turn his head slightly. "What is it?" Winters asks Agulia. "Two creatures remain, my lord." Agulia said to Winters. "Well, by all means, then, let's finish it. And you will finally be free of your stone prison." Winters said to him. "But if the curse is broken, we will no longer be immortal." Agulia said to him. "Brother, do not question my command." Winters said to him knowing that immortality was a curse making Aguila growls softly.

In The Sewer Lair

Mikey and Tasneem were skateboarding on a half-pipe, Casey was playing games on the arcade while the others were going over the legend's statistics. "So, what are we looking for?" Jesse asks Donnie and Cheyenne who were looking over a star chart. "Well, according to these star charts, the portal is set to open...directly over Winters Tower in the next 24 hours." Cheyenne said to her while Leo walks over to Jesse's side. "So the legend is right. Three thousand years." April said to them. "And when the portal opens, we'll lose the city to monsters within hours." Donnie said as he walks over to his monitor and he does some calculations. "Within days, the country. And within weeks, the world." Cheyenne said to them as Mikey does an one hand stand on the ramp. "Oh, so it's like Halley's comet, only monsters come out?" Mikey said to them causing Donnie to exchange looks with Cheyenne. "Um...yes. I guess so." Donnie said to him as he chuckles while Tasneem stop skating. "Hehe, I'm smart." Mikey said to himself as he starts skating again. "Mikey be careful..." Tasneem said to him but Mikey crashes. "I'm okay." Mikey said to them as Tasneem run over to him. "Why do we need Raph, anyway? It's his temper that always jeopardizes all our missions." Leo said to them as he hits the table before he walks over to the stairs that lead to the second floor with Jesse following him. "Okay, Leo. Whatever you say. Nobody was talking about him." Donnie said to him while he exchanges a look with Cheyenne. "Leonardo, this team you are so eager to lead with Jesse is incomplete." Splinter said to him as he walks over to the stairs. "You know what you must do." Splinter said to him, Leo hesitated before saying. "Yes, sensei." Leo said to him. "You want some help?" Jesse asks him making Leo look at her. "What are you we waiting for?" Leo said to her making Jesse smile at him. 

With The Generals

The three Generals got the eleventh monster into it's cage before the doors opens catching their attention as they turn to Aguila. "Generals, I think our brother has plans to betray us. The 13th monster must not be found." Agulia said to them dangerously.

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