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At The Lair

Splinter walks over to the shelf of the trophies from their past battles. Splinter places Winter's golden helmet on the bottom shelf before stepping back a little. 

"You got room for one more?" Splinter hears Raph making him turn to see Raph and Jamey there with Raph holding his  helmet. Raph walks towards the shelf and he places his helmet on the same bottom shelf. Raph then looks at Splinter who gives him a smile. "Can I get rid of this too?" The three hear Mikey making them turn to see him holding the head that wears for birthday parties. Mikey gives them the same toothy smile like the head before smiling normally. 

Later That Night

The turtles were jumping and leaping onto rooftops while laughing. "Whoo!" Tasneem yells as she helps Mikey reach another building by grabbing his hand. Leo jumps over Jamey then he grabs her hand and threws her onto other rooftop.

We live together. 

We train together. 

We fight together. 

We stand for good, together 

Donnie and Cheyenne slide down on their own ropes while Raph takes Jesse's hand and he threws over to the other building. The group meets up and they run together while laughing a little as they leap onto other rooftop.

We are ninjas. 

Cheyenne and Donnie help Tasneem and Mikey up a higher rooftop. Jesse helps Jamey up while Raph and Leo give each other nods.

We strike hard, defend, protect, and fade into the night.

Leo runs besides Jesse and the two give each other a smile before they held hands as they leap high into the air together. 

And there ain't no bad guy or monster gonna ever change that. 

Cheyenne and Donnie run beside each other as Mikey and Tasneem jump over their heads while laughing. 

That's what's important.

And that's why we'll always be...Family

Jamey takes Raph's hand and she threws him into the air then she runs after the others with a smile. Raph drawn out his sais and he drawn down with a strike. Raph lands by his group who were looking down at New York before they all jump down together ready for anything.

Oh, I love being a turtle.

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