Turtles' Current Activities

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In the Central American Jungle

"There, that's where I saw him." The village boy said as he points towards a tree. April takes off her sunglasses to examine the tree. "Thank you, you'd better go home now." April said to the boy. "Do you know the ghost?" The boy asks April who turns to him with a smile. "He wasn't always a ghost." April said to him and she walks into the jungle following the trail that would lead to her friend that has been gone a year more than he was told. 

April takes out her machete and starts cutting down the plants in her way. April then puts her machete back in its sheath and walked into the scene of the crime she examined the gun on the ground. "Hello!" April calls out looking around the jungle, she then definitely senses something or someone around her. Looking around she noticed something moving in the bushes and decided to find out exactly what it was. "Is anyone here?" April calls as he stands up and walked towards the bushes. "Hello!" April yelled as she continued walking, moving the plants out of her way. When she took another step, she slipped down a hidden hole that led to an underground cave. April struggled to grab onto one of the vines as she was falling. The vines kept on breaking and right when she was about to hit the bottom a pair of arms caught her. "It's a long way from the city to just drop in." A voice said making April look up to see a familiar turtle with a blue mask. "Leo." April said with a smile happy to see him.

Later, Leo and April sit by a fire that Leo made for them and they start catching up with each other. "You came all the way down here to look for me?" Leo asks her guessing while he throws some wood into the fire then he picks up a stick to help keep the fire from going out. "Actually, I was already here on business. But then the local legend started sounding familiar....so I decided to snoop around." April said to him explaining to Leo. "What kind of business?" Leo asks her. "Ancient artifacts. Some tycoon with too much time on his hands...has his heart set on a collection of 3000-year-old statues." April said to him. "Well, you always did run with a strange crowd, April." Leo said to her with a little chuckle. "Yeah, well our strange crowd hasn't been the same without you." April said to him making Leo look at her for a minute then back to the fire. "Things aren't looking so good back home." April said to him. "How bad could it be? Donnie and Cheyenne probably got everything under control." Leo said to her with a little smile, hoping that the two has everything under control, but that was far from the truth.

Donnie and Cheyenne

The two actually don't have everything under control at home. The two become computer experts for the people of New York to call them for any technical difficulties. "Sir? Sir. Sir." Donnie said trying to calm down one of the people on his line. "Did you turn the computer on?" Cheyenne asks someone on her line while walking over to Donnie with a box of pizza for them. "Have you plugged it in?" Cheyenne asks them as she hands a pizza slice to Donnie who takes it from her. "Yeah, that would help." Cheyenne said to them while Donnie kisses her cheek as a thank you for the pizza. "I'm getting extremely frustrated with those calling us because they do not understand the basics of technology." Donnie said to Cheyenne who looks at him. "Trust me, I am getting frustrated too but it's what we do to help them with their technology." Cheyenne said to him with a smile. Sometime later, the two had another call. "No, I'm not playing hard to get. I'm telling you, sir, it's not that kind of phone line." Donnie said to his person while Cheyenne sits down. "That's great that it turns on. Have a great day and thank you for calling." Cheyenne said to her person then she ends the call. "I'm not your enemy. I'm just Donnie, your friendly IT tech support here to help you 24 hours a day, sir." Donnie said as he leans into his chair then the person on the line had then angrily told him that they were not a man. "I'm sorry. Ma'am." Donnie said correcting himself with a nervous look on his face making Cheyenne laugh a little.

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