Mr. Winters

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Over at the docks, a cargo ship pulled in with a large crate labeled O'NEIL CARGO roughly set down. "Hey, careful. Those aren't souvenirs." April said to them as she got onto the solid platform. "Aw, sorry about that, ma'am." The dock worker said to her as April walks over to the crate. "Hey, April." April hears someone making her turn to see a girl with long black hair while wearing a suit. "Who are you?" April asks her as the lady walks over to her and she shows April her watch. "It's me, Cheyenne." Cheyenne said to her making April touch Cheyenne's hand and she sees Cheyenne's three fingers. "How did you..." April said to her. "I find it with some of my old stuff. I forget I made a watch that makes a human hologram over my turtle body." Cheyenne said to her with a smile then she looks at the crate. "I'm guessing it was successful?" Cheyenne asks April. "It was difficult, but I finally found it." April said to her while she pulls out her phone. "Where are you, Casey?" April asks herself while she types the phone number in her phone. "Sometimes, I wish I had a boyfriend like Donnie." April said to Cheyenne who laughed a little. "Come on." April said as she puts her phone to her ear. "Come on, pick up. Don't do this to me again. Not now." April said to herself.

At April and Casey's Apartment

"Casey can't come to the phone right now because we're hardly working." The answering machine says as Casey wakes up and he grabs the ringing phone.  "This better be good." Casey said to himself while wearing his vigilante mask on the top of his head. "Casey, I am standing on the dock with a priceless statue and no delivery truck. So my question is, where are you?"  April asks on the phone while Casey felt his mask on top of his head making him quickly take it off before he looks at his watch then does a double take when he realizes what time it is. "April. Hey, babe. I am so sorry. I set the alarm clock, but...It's broken. The clock..." Casey said to her before he picks up the alarm clock and puts it on the ground before he stomps on it as it begins to ring. "Casey, it's Cheyenne." Casey hears Cheyenne's voice. "Hey, Cheye." Casey said to her. "Your clock was fixed by me last night so, you have broken the clock yourself."  Cheyenne said to him making Casey nod a little. "It's bad enough that you're out every night playing vigilante...but we've got a deadline to meet." April said to him making Casey sigh. "I'm sorry. oh, wait, babe, real quick. You left a message saying you found Leo. I mean, is he there with you?" Casey asks her hoping Leo was there. "No. I found him. He's not coming back." April said to him sadly. "But didn't you tell him how weird things have gotten with the Turtles?" Casey asks her. "Look, Casey, we're gonna lose the biggest client we have...if you don't get down here."  April said to him making Casey nod. "All right. I'm on my way." Casey said to her and he ends the call and then he gets ready.

At Winters Corp HQ

Casey was pulling the crate holding the statue into the building as April and Cheyenne leads the way. "Please tell me we're getting paid by the pound here. Is this place a museum or what?" Casey asks them as he adjusts his grip and he keeps pulling in order to look at April. "You're telling me, you've never heard of Winterscorp?" Cheyenne asks him skeptically. "That's what I'm telling you." Casey said to her. "They're into everything: real estate, technology and pharmaceuticals." Cheyenne said to him as the three enter the enter a large room. "Hair gel." April said to Casey who looks at her. "I don't wear hair gel." Casey said to her. "Really?"  April asks him. "I'm the caveman type, au naturel." Casey said to her as the three walked toward stands holding some ancient pottery. "Just make sure you don't touch anything in here." April said to Casey. "Hey, I was born careful." Casey said to her before the crate nudges one of the ancient pottery and it falls, hitting the ground and making it shatter. "Hope that wasn't expensive." Casey said to himself while looking at the now broken pottery. Alarms went off and metal doors came down from the inside from the ceiling cutting off all exits. "Oh, boy." Casey said to himself making Cheyenne look at him while April pinched the bridge of her nose. "Please tell me that wasn't you." Cheyenne said to him.

In Winters Office

After that mess was sorted out, the three made their way to Winters office. When the three enter the office here was where a well-muscular man was waiting while looking out the window. "Mr. Winters." April said making Winters turn to them with a smile. "Miss O'Neil. All the pieces are coming together." He said as he walks over to April and he gives her a kiss on the cheek. "Oh, my, uh. This is my associates, Casey and Cheyenne." April said to him making Winters walk over to the two. "Nice to meet you, Winters." Cheyenne said to him as she shakes his hand. "It applies to you too." Winters said to her then he walks over to Casey. Winters then shake Casey's hand accidentally applying a little too much pressure. "Nice to meet you, Kenny." Winters said to Casey who gives a soft ow. "Boyfriend. It's Casey." Casey said to him as he flexes his hand while Winters turn to April. "So you were successful?" Winters asks her. "Yes. The fourth general." April said while pointing at the crate. "I want to ask you before I go if I could take one last look?" April asks him looking a bit hopeful, Winter gives a soft smile as he decides to agree with her request and Casey opens the box with a crowbar. "I believe this is the one they call General Akeela." April said to Winters who walks closer to look at the statue. "It's actually "Aguila," but that was a good try. These statues may appear to be only stone...but they're like family to me. I didn't choose them. Friends you can choose, but never your family." Winters said to her while he puts his hands behind his back as he looks at Aguila's statue. "Okay, then." April said while Casey catch a stand of a Sabertooth skull from falling over. "Take care, Mr. Winters." Cheyenne said to him and the three leaves the room but Cheyenne can feel someone watching them.

After the three left the room, Winters was still staring at the statue when he sensed someone behind and above him. "If you've come to kill me, could you make it fast? I've got a shareholders' meeting at 10. I'd rather miss it." Winters said to them as a hooded figure jumped down and landed behind him. "If we had come here to hurt you, you'd be hurting already." She said to him as more figures appeared in the room "The Foot Clan and I have come to hear your offer." She said to him while she takes off her mask and she was Karai. "Well, it appears that today is my lucky day." Winters said as he walks over to his desk. "I must warn you, we do not come cheap." Karai said to him as Winters was now behind his desk. "Does it look like money is of any concern to me? only time is of the essence, my dear." Winters said to her. "Since you're so rich and powerful. What is it we could possibly have to offer you?" Karai asks him as she walks over to the desk while Winters adjusts his sleeve cuffs. "I need you to be my eyes and ears. I have some friends coming to town...that I'd like to roll out the red carpet for. Greet them warmly and bring them to me." Winters said to Karai while he looks out the window. "And how will we know these friends?" Karai asks him. "Don't worry, they're impossible to miss." Winters said to her while outside on a tall building, some pigeons were roosting beside some gargoyles. One of the gargoyles snaps a pigeon up into its mouth causing the others to scatter. It has a feather hanging out of its mouth as the pigeon was trapped in its mouth coos frantically as it tries to get out. But the gargoyle swallows, the feather falling from its mouth as it smiles while letting out a burp.

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