A Team Again

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"Forget about them. By the time they return, the portal will already be closed.....with you inside it." Agulia said as he and the other Generals approach Winters. "I hate to see brothers fight like this." Cheyenne said to her group. "Unless it's together." Raph said to them making Leo nod at him. 

The turtles run over to Winters and they get in between him and the Generals. "Hate to rain on your parade, pal." Jamey said to them as she takes her weapons out. "But we thought we'd even the odds." Raph said to them as the turtles pull out their weapons. "We're going to enjoy this." Aguila said before the stone Generals attack the turtles. Raph and Jamey dodges Aguila's strike, Donnie blocks Serpentia's attack then Cheyenne hits her in the face with her bo, Mikey and Tasneem blacks Gato's attack while Leo and Jesse dodge Mono's attack.

Winters steps forward to help the turtles but Splinter put his staff infront of him. "If you please. They can defeat them. They are a team." Splinter said to him. "Let's hope so, because if not, Aguila will use the portal...to draw forth an army of evil and the world will be lost." Winters said to him as the portal takes one of the monsters. "More beasts. Let's send them back where they belong." Winters said to him as he looks at Splinter then monsters fly out of the portal.

Donnie and Cheyenne were fighting against the stone General. "Easy big guy." Cheyenne said to it as the General smash a display case. Donnie then slams the end of his Bo-staff into it's foot. "Temper, temper." Donnie said to it when the statue groaned in pain. "You know what that does." Cheyenne said to him with a smile. The statue hits Cheyenne in the chest making her fly into the wall. "Hey, that's my girlfriend." Donnie said to him then Donnie threws bombs at the statue's face.

Jesse and Leo were fighting against the scrawny general. The two duck to avoid a blow from the general,  Jesse kicks the general in the face knocking him down. Leo then lung at it but the statue kick Leo back into the swords display. Jesse attacks the general while Leo looks at the other swords around him making him smirk. The general pins Jesse to the wall and was about to kill her but Leo threws a stone at it's head. The general turns to see Leo standing up with extra swords. "Come to daddy." Leo said to it making Jesse roll her eyes. "Of all the lines to say, you pick that one." Jesse said to Leo then she kicks the general in the face making it let her go. "It sounded cool in my head." Leo said to her then he runs at the general.

Mikey and Tasneem were fighting the female general together. Tasneem wraps her weapon around the general and Mikey hits the general with his nunchakus. "She looks like the boss form my video game." Mikey said to Tasneem who laugh a little as she threws bombs at the general. "Really? I haven't notices." Tasneem said to him as Mikey kicks the general in the chest. 

Jamey and Raph were fighting against Aguila and the two were being back up a staircase. "Thing about you immortal stone guys is...you know, you're immortal and made of stone." Raph said to them as he and Jamey got up to the balcony. "And now you sound like Mikey." Jamey said to him then Aguila slams his blades against Jamey's kamas. "You two fight well. You should join us." Aguila said to them. "No, thanks, we're good." Raph said to him then Jamey pushes Aguila's blades away. Aguila then runs at them making Raph grab his arms and he lifts Aguila up and he threws him over the edge. Jamey and Raph look over to see that Aguila landed on the feet. "You get to be kidding me." Jamey said to herself while Raph groan in frustration while he spun one of his sais before the two jumps down.

"These guys really don't die." Mikey said to Tasneem. "Sensei, are you all right?" Tasneem asks Splinter who laughs. "We must do this more often." Splinter said to her as a monster comes out of the portal and he jumps is and he kicks it back in and he lands on his feet. "I still got it." Splinter said to them making Tasneem laugh. "Indeed you do." Tasneem said to him.

Leo, Jesse, Raph and Jamey got backed up against pillar. "They'd better hurry with that last monster." Leo said to them as he gets disarmed of his extras swords then he pulls out his katanas. "I'm sure my man Casey's got it all under control." Raph said to him. "That's is what he is afraid of." Jesse said to him as she dodges an attack.

With April, Casey, Karai and a Foot Solider

April was driving the Cowabunga Carl van like a maniac. "Can't this piece of junk go faster?" Casey asks April who looks at him. "You wanna drive?" April asks him snapping at him. "I would, as a matter of fact." Casey said to her. "You would think they would be more concerned about the 13th monster." Karai said to her soldier who nods agreeing with her while the final monster was chasing the van.

Back With The Turtles

Splinter hits another monster back into the portal which was glowing brighter making Splinter look at the ninjas. "Ninjas, we must finish this now!" Splinter yells as the turtles drove the statues towards the portal. The turtles look at each other and then smile then they group jumps into the air and they kick while Mikey and Tasneem punch the Generals into the portal. Then the portal expanded knocking everyone back.

Everyone stands up again while looking at the portal. "So did we win?" Mikey asks them. "I don't know." Donnie said to him then suddenly Aguila appeared in the portal making the turtles ready to fight again. "Foolish creatures. We are immortals made of stone." Agulia said to them as he and the other Generals came out of the portal. "Without the final monster to break our curse...we will never be stopped." Agulia said to the turtles who were standing at the ready. 

Suddenly the group hears a car horn from behind the turtles. The van comes in with the final monster following close behind. "Special delivery!" The group hears Casey yell as April crashes the van against a pillar and the monster continues forward. "Look out!" Winters yelled as he clams himself against the ninjas knocking them out of the way.  

The monster slides into the Generals knocking them into the portal which glowed brighter then ever. The turtles stands up and sheathed their weapons as the building starts shaking. Cheyenne holds Tasneem comforting her as the building shakes. "Earthquake?" Tasneem asks her. "No, I think the Generals are going back to where they belong." Cheyenne said to her then the portal finally close.

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