Victory At Last

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Cheyenne lets go of Tasneem while Leo checks on Jesse who had a little cut on her cheek. "Jess, you have a cut." Leo said to her as he touches' her cheek. "I'm fine, Leo." Jesse said to him as Mikey, Donnie, Raph and Jamey walk over to where the portal was. "So did we win now?" Mikey asks them again. "Yeah, I think we did." Donnie said to him making the brothers cheer.  

"Boys." Jesse said to herself while Tasneem hugs her. "I haven't felt like this in a while." Cheyenne said to them as Mikey runs over to Tasneem and hugs her tight. "You telling me." Jesse said to her as Jamey walks over to Raph and she kisses his cheek. Jesse watch as Donnie hugs Cheyenne from behind while Leo walks over to Jesse who looks at him. 

"Guys look." Mikey said to them making the turtles turn to see April and Casey kissing. "Typical. We do all the work, he gets all the thanks." Raph said to them making Jamey grab Raph's mask ends and she pulls him into her. "You are so typical." Jamey said to him making Raph smile at her then the two share a kiss. 

"It feels nice to have the team back to normal again." Donnie said to Cheyenne who was standing next to Mikey and Tasneem. "Yeah, I'm just happy that Jesse can relax now." Cheyenne said to him while Mikey kisses Tasneem's cheek a few times lovely. "Mikey, cut it out." Tasneem said him as the two fell to the floor. "Easy, Mikey." Donnie said to his brother while he puts his arm around Cheyenne. Cheyenne looks up at Donnie and gives him a kiss while Mikey helps Tasneem up and he gives her a kiss. 

"I don't know about you but..." Leo said making Jesse look at him. "I feel like I can sleep for hours." Leo said to her making Jesse laugh a little as Leo leans down to her and he kisses her gently. After a few minutes, the two pull apart and Leo kisses Jesse's cheek. "I love you." Leo whisper to her. "I love you too." Jesse said to him as she leans into Leo.

Karai helps her injured soldier and she walks over to the group. "You are every bit the warriors I was informed you were. You have passed. Savor your victory tonight. For soon, we will have further business together. The kind that involves familiar faces from your past." Karai said to them making everyone eyes widen. "She doesn't mean..." Raph said to them making Karai smile at them before she threws down a smoke pellet making everyone cough. "Come on. What is it with ninjas and smoke pellets?" Casey said to himself as the smoke clears away then April walks over to Leo and Jesse. "Looks like you picked a good time to come home." April said to him. "Thanks for bringing me back." Leo said to her while holding Jesse close to him.

Then everyone hears the sound of sobbing making them turn to see it was Winters. "Winters?" Raph calls him then Winters starts to laugh. "I'm never usually that happy to be in pain." Mikey said to them. "He's happy because he's mortal again, Mikey." Donnie said to him as Winters look at them. "April. I've had my eye on you for a long time." Yaotl said to her. "I knew it." Casey said making April elbow him. "Not in that way." Cheyenne said to him. "I've always known that you'd be the one to help me find my way home." Yaotl said to her then he turns to the turtles. "And thank you....brothers and Sisters. You've made a very old man very, very happy." Yaotl said to them. "So, what happens now?" Mikey asks him. 

Winters looks at the sunrise and knew it was his time. His body began to glow a soft blue color and he floated up into the air. Raph was going to move forward but Jesse places her hand on his shoulder. "This is for him, we shouldn't interfere." Jesse whisper to him making Raph nod then Winters evaporate into golden dust.

"Okay. Just a little bit creepy." Mikey said to himself. "I thought it was actually peaceful." Jamey said to him making Raph nod little then suddenly Mikey sneezes. "Oh, gross. I think he's in my no- My no- My no-" Mikey said then he sneezes again. "Gross. Somebody give me a hankie. Now he's in my mouth. Tastes awful." Mikey said to them. "Mikey TMI!" Tasneem yell at him while the others watch them.

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