Leo's Back

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Later That Night

A plane was approaching New York as the landing gear lowers and Leo stepped out from behind one of the wheels. Leo looked at the city before he free-fell for a bit before deploying a hang-glider. Leo glided over the ocean with a smile as he stuck his hand in and let the water run over it for a few moments before taking it out. The hang-glider disappeared and Leo dove into the ocean then Leo swam quickly into a tunnel that led to the sewers.

In the Lair

Mikey and Tasneem were both asleep on the couch, Mikey was holding a snack on his head while snoring 'dude' in his sleep. Tasneem was smiling in her sleep while holding onto her drawing book. Donnie and Cheyenne were cuddling in the armchair, Donnie had one arm around Cheyenne while he has a magazine resting on his head. Donnie suddenly acted like he was reaching for something in his sleep making Cheyenne more a little. Leo smiles at them before seeing Jesse sleeping on the second armchair. Jesse's head was resting against the armrest while an open book laid on her lap. Leo quietly walks over to her and he knelt beside her. Leo bends over to gently kiss Jesse's forehead after grinning upon seeing her face again because he had missed her so much. Leo then picks up the book and puts in the bookmark before closing it and setting it on the ground. Leo looks at Jesse again with a smile before stand up and he walks over to the Dojo.

Leo walks over to the Dojo door that was open and there was a light inside of it. "Enter. Kneel, my son." Splinter said to Leo who walks into the room. Splinter's eyes were close as Leo kneels infront of him. "I return from my training, master. I was so caught up in my own world I forgot about everyone else. I'm sorry I failed." Leo said to him but Splinter gently shushes Leo before he opens a box. "On the contrary, my son...." Splinter said as he pulls out a medallion. "Now you are much stronger." Splinter said to him as Leo stands up while Splinter walks around the table. "Your strength is needed here now." Splinter said to him while Raph and Jamey were both spying on the two as Splinter gaves Leo the medallion. "You owe me no apology, but perhaps you should talk to Raphael. Your absence has been particularly difficult for him....though he'll never admit it." Splinter said to him. "I'm certain things will be back to normal in no time, master." Leo said to him. "Good. Because until you can act as one, you are forbidden to fight. And you will help Jesse out with the leadership duties. I'm afraid that your absence has also taken a toll on her as well." Splinter said to him. "Yes, sensei." Leo said to him while he bows his head making Splinter hugs Leo. "I have missed you, Leonardo." Splinter said to him. " I've missed you too, Father." Leo said to him then the two let go of each other. "Raphael. Your brother is home." Splinter said to him making Jamey push open the door. "Hey." Leo said to the two. "Hey, Leo." Jamey said to Leo greeting him. "Welcome home." Raph said to him unenthusiastic-ally. "Yeah. Thanks." Leo said to his brother then Raph yawn while stretching his arms. "Well, I'm going to bed." Raph said to them as he takes Jamey's hand then pulls her away from the door.

"Hey, Leo's back." Jamey said to the others as Raph flipped the magazine off Donnie's head waking him and Cheyenne up. "Better go say hello before he leaves again." Raph said to them as he and Jamey walk to their room. "What?" Cheyenne said waking up while Donnie sees his brother Leo. "Leo." Donnie said to him while Cheyenne gets off Donnie. "Hey." Leo said to him then Leo trapped Donnie in a head lock and gives him a noogie. "Hey, Cheye." Leo said to her as he lets go of Donnie and gives her a hug. "It's good to have you back, Leon." Cheyenne said to him as Mikey and Tasneem wakes up. "Huh, Leo?" Tasneem said as Mikey fells to the ground. "Leo!" Mikey yelled as he stands up and gives his brother a bear hug while Jesse wakes up. "Is that really you?" Mikey said while Tasneem walks over to Leo and Mikey. "Yeah." Leo said to him while he puts his arm out to give Tasneem a hug. "I'm, like, dreaming, aren't I?" Mikey asks him. "No, Mikey, you're not dreaming." Leo said to him. "Oh, good. I have nightmares about birthday parties." Mikey said to him making the group laugh a little. Leo noticed Jesse standing with her arms crossed and she has a smile on her face. "So, you finally decide to come back." Jesse said to him. "Yeah." Leo said to her while Tasneem takes Mikey's hand as Leo walks over to Jesse. Jesse and Leo exchange looks as Jamey looked on from above, Jesse gives Leo a bear hug, prompting the others to smile at them. "Adorable." Tasneem said to them. "Tas, let them have their moment." Cheyenne said to her sister with a smile while Jesse and Leo let go of each other. "I'm happy you're back. I can now force you to take on certain obligations." Jesse said to Leo. "Hey." Leo said to her playfully before Jesse hugs Leo again. "I missed you so much, Leo." Jesse said to him making Leo smile as he hugs her back. "I missed you too." Leo said to her and he kisses Jesse's cheek.

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