Monster Sighting

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The Next Day

In New York, In The Sewer Lair

The turtles were having breakfast talking about what happened last night. "Dudes, did anyone get the license plate of that thing that hit us last night? My head." Mikey said to as he walks over to the table holding a pizza box. "Okay, that was just weird. I mean, first the Foot, then that hideous monster." Donnie said to them while Cheyenne walks over to Donnie who was sitting in the armchair. "Yeah. It looked like your mom, dude." Mikey said to him making Donnie roll his eyes. "Yeah, that would make her your mom too, doofus." Cheyenne said to him. "Yeah, whatever." Mikey said to them while Tasneem eats a pizza slice. "Keep laughing. Last night was an embarrassment." Raph said to them while he slams his fist onto the table. "I'll tell you what's embarrassing. You can't follow a single order." Leo said to Raph who looks at him. "O-ho-oh, how cute." Raph said to him sarcastically with a sarcastic chuckle. "You've been back for five minutes....and now you're schooling us on your master plan?" Raph said to him making Jamey look at Raph. "Okay, so this is my fault now, huh, Raph?" Leo asks him making Raph shrugged. "I'm the only one that has to be responsible?!" Leo said rising his voice while standing up. "Leo, you yelling is not helping." Jesse said to him making Leo look at her. "Hey, you're the trained master, not me." Raph said to him. "Dudes, can it. Here comes Splinter." Tasneem said to them while Cheyenne and Donnie walk over to the table. The group covers their injuries as Splinter walks into the kitchen while humming a cheery tune. "Good morning, my students." Splinter said to the teens. 

"Good morning, sensei." Leo, Jesse, Donnie, Cheyenne, Mikey and Tasneem said to him while dipping their heads. 

"Sup?" Jamey and Raph said to him.

Splinter hums his cheery tune as he pours himself a cup of tea as Raph pulls his bowl of cereal. Cheyenne opens a pizza box while Donnie looks over at Raph and Leo. "Every ninja's day should start with a healthy breakfast. It fills me with pride to see you boys together again. If anyone needs me, I'll be watching my stories." Splinter said to them as he walks over to the tv not noticing the way Leo and Raph were glaring at each other as they eat with Raph eating aggressively.

"Hothead." Leo said to Raph when Splinter was out of hearing range.

"Splinter Jr." Raph said to him as he eats aggressively.

"Just like old times." Jamey said to herself.

"Cody is going to break up with Donna. I just know it." Splinter mutters to himself as he turns on the tv. 

We interrupt the Gilmore Girls for this special news report. Monsters loose in the city? Strange reports are coming in about an incident...that sounds like something out of science fiction.

"KIDS!" Splinter yells at the teens. "Oh, no." Tasneem said to herself.

Everyone was now in the Dojo with their heads down as Splinter paced in front of them. "Leonardo, I am most disappointed in you. You are the eldest of your group. I was counting on you to bring order to the chaos of this family. This is why I have forbidden any surface activity. We cannot return to the surface to fight evil....if we continue to fight each other." Splinter said to him lecturing Leo. "But Master Splinter, how can I be expected to do so-" Leo said to him making Splinter cut him off. "There are no excuses when you are the leader, my student." Splinter said to him making Jesse hold onto Leo's hand. "We have to go out and find who's responsible for this. There ain't no other solution." Jamey said to them. "Save the brute-vigilante junk for that night watchman." Leo said to her. "Night watchER." Mikey and Tasneem said to Leo who looks at the two. "Yeah, whatever." Leo said to them. "I'm going out." Raph said to them then he stands up and leaves the room. 

Raph walks to the exit when he feels a tap on his shoulder making him turn to see Jesse. "What do you want?" Raph asks her. "You and I were close before and I don't know what happen between us." Jesse said to him making Raph look away from her. "Listen, I don't want to deal with this right now." Raph said to her making Jesse walk closer to him. "Well, I want to deal with this right now, Raph." Jesse said to him making Raph look at her. "Please, Raph." Jesse said to him as Raph sees Jamey watching them from the Dojo's door. "You wanna come with me to the surface?" Raph asks her. "That was very easy." Jesse said to herself making Raph give her a little smile. "Come on." Raph said to her and the two walk out of the lair with Jamey watching them.

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