Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

"Jordan! Jordan put me down right now!" My mom screamed at the top of her lungs as she tried to wriggle out of Jordan's hold.

"Come on April, it doesn't make sense. What's the point of going to the beach if you ain't gon' get in the water?" Jordan replied with a smirk on his face. He swung her from side to side and chuckled as she let out another scream.

"I'll go, I'll go. Put me down first," she compromised.

He stopped in his tracks and gently put her back on her feet. She took two slow steps forward towards the water and, within the blink of an eye, changed her direction and started sprinting. Jordan shook his head, but I could see the amusement in his eyes. He waited a couple of seconds before actually chasing after her. It didn't take long, but when he did catch up to her, he grabbed her by the waist and lifted her off her feet.

I shook my head as I watched them. They needed to stop playing and just get together already. Then we could have Jordan around all the time and she'd be happier. I walked over to Michael who was kneeling on the sand doing God knows what. I scooped up a hand full of sand and crept from behind. When I got close enough, I dropped the hand full of sand down his pants. He leaped up and turned around with wide eyes and a dropped jaw.

His expression made my day. When he realized it was me, he narrowed his eyes at while moving around and shaking the sand out of his shorts.

"What you doing kid?" I asked as I crouched down at the same spot he was a couple of seconds ago.

"I was making a picture," he replied, emphasizing was. I laughed a little. I guess he was still upset.

I ran my eyes over the image that was drawn into the sand. It was a family picture with mom, Jordan, he, and I. Jordan had an arm around momma with a Kool-Aid smile plastered on his face. Michael stood next to me and towered over me. I quirked my eyebrows at him.

"You are not that tall. I'm obviously taller than you," I pointed out.

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah looks wise you're taller, but I'm a boy. When Jordan's not around I'm supposed to be the man."

I smiled at him and ruffled his hair. "Yeah kid, you're a man."

We spent the entire day at the beach and when it was decided that we were all hungry enough to pass out, Jordan stopped at a local pizza shop. We ordered two large pepperoni and sausage pizzas, bread sticks, cinnamon sticks, and cracked jokes while we ate.

On Sunday, momma was off and actually cooked for the first time in a long time. I lounged around after doing my Biology and math homework. When Jordan came over he brought movies and decided we should make it a movie night since it was one of the few times we were all together on the weekends.

He brought over Kung Fu Hustle and a bunch of other movies I'd never heard of. When he put in my favorite movie, Set It Off, momma decided it was time for Michael and I to get ready for bed. After begging for five minutes, I dragged my feet upstairs with a pout on my face. Michael was already in bed snoring loud enough for the neighborhood to hear by the time I finished getting ready for bed.

Getting ready for school the next morning was a blur. I didn't even realize when we'd made it to the parking lot of my school; I was so sleepy. Instead of falling asleep like I was told, I crept out of my room and sat at the top of the stairs. I stayed up all night watching the movie and repeating some of the lines I'd committed to memory with the characters.

Jordan was smiling in my direction the entire morning like he knew what was up. I narrowed my eyes at him. He should've sent me to sleep, but no he let me stay up and in the morning as I was battling sleep while he tried to make small talk.

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