Chapter Thirty Three

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I gasped for air, but it felt like I couldn't even do that right. I couldn't believe what happened. I didn't mean--

"Oh my God," I cried, my heart clenching in my chest. I knew he was coming, but the anxiety that had filled me caused me to react to the noise the only way I could think of.

I stared down at Trey's lifeless body. Oh my God. Tears blurred my vision as another sob racked my body.

Not even the police sirens that were wailing outside could tear me away from the sight.

😆just kidding y'all. Back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Chapter Thirty Three

"What the fuck, Risha?" Trey started as he crouched down in front of me and wiped the blood off of my face.

"Check this place for prints," he instructed one of the two men he had walked in with. "Make this shit spotless. If even a speck of blood is found when I do the final sweep, I'mma off yo' ass myself," he threatened the second guy, never taking his eyes off of me, his hands never faltering.

"Find the shell and give it to me before you start cleanin' up. I wanna make sure I got that."

"Yo, you straight, b?"

Trey made a sharp right turn into the parking lot of the docks. We were finally moving everything out of the ship.

He steered with his left hand while his right hand tugged at his bottom lip. He'd been doing a lot of that lately, gnawing, twisting, or tugging at his lip.

"I ain't think it would get this far. I woulda said somethin', but you the type to learn the hard way."

He sighed and stuffed the soiled wipes into his pockets. He twisted his lips to the side and took in my frazzled state of mind. My eyes were wide, stuck in a seemingly permanent shock. My mouth would open and shut on its own accord, like it had something it wanted to say, but wasn't sure how to get it out.

"That car in the parkin' lot, you was drivin' it?"

No answer.

"I'll run the plate and see who it belongs to. After I drop you off, I'll go to the HQ and check the traffic cams and the cameras around here to see if there's any footage of you on them." He sighed, "you won't go to prison, but I guess you're already in prison mentally. Fuck!" He squeezed his eyes shut and groaned. "I gotta make sure his phone's GPS ain't track his entire fuckin' trip here."

His eyes fluttered open then locked on mine. "You need to snap the fuck outta this shit. Want me to be honest? Your first kill stays with you, but you put yourself in this situation, so wake the fuck up! Deal with it however way you see fit. If changin' personas and being this fuckin' Street nigga helps, then do that. I told you to let me handle this shit. I fuckin' begged you that day at the hospital. But you said you could do it, so get yo' ass together."

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