Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

“Heyyyy,” I drawled.

He quirked his eyebrows. “Who was that?”

“A friend. Trust me Jordan, I take everything you say seriously and I ain't got no room in my life for him to be anything but that,” I assured.

“What’s his name?”


“Chris what?”

I frowned when I realized I didn’t know what his last name was. “I don’t even know. See, he can’t be that important if I don’t even know his last name. We were just hanging out. You were a kid once, you know how it is.”

“No, I was a boy once and I know he ain't hanging out with you ‘cause he wants to play hopscotch. He probably just wants to double-dutch in and out of your pants," he replied.

“If it ever gets to that point I’ll know how to handle him. Isn’t that the point of you teaching all of this stuff? Let’s picture him as practice,” I reasoned.

“Don’t be lettin’ practice last ‘til ten thirty at night. That’s booty call hour for boys your age.” He smirked.

“Oh God, I’m going to sleep.” I laughed a little as I made my way towards the stairs.

“Did he use any of my pickup lines?” He asked.

“No, I probably woulda laughed in his face if he did,” I replied honestly.

“Hmm, maybe you could keep him on the side, but don’t be makin’ him anything more.”

“Don’t worry, I don’t plan on it.”

The next day Jordan drove Michael and I to school. He spent the night since momma was working double shifts again. Chris spotted me as soon as I exited the car and Jordan sent me a knowing look as he began to approach me. He flashed me a heart-stopping smile that made me want to melt, but I remembered Jordan was still there so I just returned his smile and quickly introduced them.

“Chris, Jordan, Jordan, Chris. Jordan was just now leavin’ ain't it Jordan?” I raised my eyebrows.

“Nice meeting you, sir,” Chris greeted. Jordan responded with a head nod before turning his attention back to me.

“Hit me up if you want me to come get you alright.”

“It’s alright, Chris gon’ walk me home.” I smirked in his direction before I grabbed Chris’ arm and pulled him in the opposite direction.

“Your pops don’t seem that bad, ma,” Chris commented.

“He’s not my dad. I wish,” I replied.

“Well at least you got that Jordan guy. It’s better than nothin' nahmean? Ain't nobody here replacing my ol’ boy," he responded.

I just nodded. I wanted to know more about his dad, or him in general, but I didn’t want to invade his personal business.

“Ayoo, Chris? That’s you nigga?” A voice called from behind when I was about to suck it up and ask all the questions I’ve been wanting to.

I turned around confused while he wore a look of recognition. His eyes still showed his slight confusion, probably because he wasn’t sure of where it was coming from.

“Over here man.” I heard the voice again and realized it was coming from my left, so I turned and noticed a boy making his way over to us. He had on a clean white wife beater and his jeans hung low. His hair was in neat cornrows and he was wearing the biggest grin.

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